2020 NEAFCS National Award Winners
Click here to access a list of all of the 2020 Winners as a PDF. Click here to access Press Releases for 2020 Award Winners.

Click the image above to view the 2020 NEAFCS National Awards Presentation
communications awards
Educational Publication:
1st Place National Winner - Amy Ressler, Texas "Families Reading Every Day Family Guide" The Families Reading Every Day (FRED) Family Guide, in English or Spanish, is an excellent tool for families participating in a FRED project to address family relationships and literacy development. File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Hope Wilson & Team, Arizona "Prickly Pear Cactus: Food of the Desert" Prickly Pear Cactus: Food of the Desert highlights varieties of prickly pear found in Arizona, describes when the plant is ready to eat, and illustrates how to harvest and prepare the fruits and pads at home. Team Members: Melissa Wyatt and Trish Zilliox
3rd Place National Winner - Stephanie Helms & Team, Alabama "Where Does the Weight Go?" Where does all the weight go? Gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy will help protect Baby. Education Publication poster provides a breakdown of weight gain during pregnancy. Team Members: Jovita Lewis and Sondra Parmer
Internet Education Technology:
1st Place National Winner - Lisa Poppe & Team, Nebraska "Choosing Quality Child Care Website" Childcare programs are not the same, so it may be helpful to identify what values, elements, and standards are important to your family when choosing the care for your young children. Team Members: Sarah Roberts, Linda Reddish, Jaci Foged, Katie Krause, Holly Hatton-Bowers, Becky Aiken, Anne Holz, and Lee Sherry File 1, File 2
2nd Place National Winner - Candice Christian & Team, North Carolina "Safe Plates Food Safety Information Center" With an increase of people utilizing social media platforms to gain information, NC State Extension's Safe Plates FSIC was created to provide evidence-based food safety information on social media channels. Team Members: Ben Chapman, Natalie Seymour, and Debbie Stroud
3rd Place National Winner - Chris Koehler, Washington "Connecting and Sharing: The Food Access Map" The Grays Harbor Food Access Map is a tool to help individuals, families, or agency staff locate sources of food throughout the county. It includes details for each site.
1st Place National Winner - Kathy Brandt & Team, Minnesota "Cottage Food Connection eNews for Minnesota Cottage Food Producers" Published quarterly, the Cottage Food Connection eNews was established as a means to communicate, update and engage with Minnesota's growing cottage food industry, now over 4100 registered cottage food producers. Team Members: Suzanne Driessen File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Heather Jackson, Arkansas "Pike County Health and Wealth Newsletter" The Pike County Health and Wealth Newsletter's goal is to share resources with local county citizens about up-to-date subject matter within Family and Consumer Sciences to increase knowledge base in the county.
3rd Place National Winner - Jocelin Villarreal & Team, Texas "FABLOW AgriLife Lifestyle Newsletters" FABLOW AgriLife is a multi-county collaboration between the Family and Community Health (FCH) Agents of Frio, Atascosa, Bee, Live Oak, and Wilson County. This is their third year implementing health and wellness topics through online content. Team Members: Jessica Faubion, Druann Benavides, Nicole Demmer, and June Ureste
Radio or Podcast:
1st Place National Winner - Melinda McCulley & Team, Kentucky "Talking FACS to All Who Listen" Reaching clientele with timely, relevant, research-based information is the Extension goal. The Talking FACS podcast meets listeners with topics that are affecting their lives TODAY on their own schedules! Team Members: Jennifer Hunter File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Jocelin Villarreal & Team, Texas "FABLOW AgriLife Podcast: 'Back to School Safety Tips: On the Road & in the Kitchen' - Episode 15" FABLOW AgriLife is a multi-county collaboration between the Family and Community Health (FCH) Agents of Frio, Atascosa, Bee, Live Oak, and Wilson County. This is their third year implementing health and wellness topics through online content. Team Members: Jessica Faubion, Druann Benavides, Nicole Demmer, and June Ureste
3rd Place National Winner - Sarah Poole & Team, Tennessee "Bringing it Home with Sarah and Tennille" Two Tennessee Extension Agents teamed up to produce a weekly podcast about home and family. In 2019 they reached over 100,000 listeners with their witty and humorous delivery. Team Members: Z. Tennille Short
1st Place National Winner - Ami Cook & Team, West Virginia "Be Wild, Be Wonderful, Be Healthy" Be Wild, Be Wonderful, Be Healthy is a community-based approach to reduce obesity through policy, systems, and environmental changes that improve the communitys access to physical activity and healthy foods. Team Members: Emily Murphy, Kerry Gabbert, Michael Shamblin, Sam Zizzi, Sean Bulger, Eloise Elliot, and JD Belcher File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Shelly Barnes & Team, Tennessee "FCS Agent Focuses on Agritourism" Agent Barnes works hard to develop new and innovative ideas to implement during the nine day fair that attracts more than half a million people each year. Team Members: Charles Denney
3rd Place National Winner - Denise Continenza & Team, Pennsylvania "Be the One" A series of videos about the dangers of underage drinking were developed and played during home football games to educate a community about the risks for both parents and youth. Team Members: Andrew DeAngelo and Mike Daniels
Written Media:
1st Place National Winner - Amanda Bohlen, Ohio "Finding Joy" Addressing the agriculture crisis in Ohio, Bohlen wrote Finding Joy. Sharing the eight pillars that helped her family find joy in life's inevitable suffering as they sold their dairy farm. File 1
2nd Place National Winner - Lorrissa Lyn Dunfee, Ohio "Am I in Control or is My Stress?" Lorrissa's blog addresses stress and how it effects the body physically, mentally, and behaviorally. Healthy coping strategies including E(event)+R(response)=O(outcome) and self-care practices are discussed as ways to manage stress.
3rd Place National Winner - Kristin Bogdonas, Illinois "Take Diabetes to Heart" Take Diabetes to Heart was an article published in the Quad City Times to raise awareness about diabetes self-management and a free community event to promote diabetes prevention and management.
community partnership award
1st Place National Winner - Kelly Knight & Team, New Mexico "Eat Well Otero: Mobilizing Community Partnerships for Healthy Eating" Eat Well Otero works with restaurants in Otero County, New Mexico, to revise menus so patrons can order meals with appropriate portion sizes and with increased vegetable and fruit content. Team Members: Maureen Schmittle, Holly Mata, Christina Vaquera, Tammie Reynolds, Brien Murphy, Kim Darnold, Maria Conn, Clifford Kinnear, and Lee Ann Loney File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Carol Schwarz & Team, Nebraska Nebraska Strong: Neighbor-to-Neighbor" Schwarz, Elsen and 14 agri-business partners developed a Neighbor-to-Neighbor taskforce to create a holistic approach for rural communities to be supportive of mental health needs of families and community members. Team Members: Michelle Krehbiel, Lisa Franzen-Castle, and Kerry Elsen
3rd Place National Winner - Diane Smith, Washington "Partnerships Create a Culture of Health" Recognizing the value of partnerships in collective impact, Diane Smith initiated a Wellness Month campaign to establish a culture of health, bringing together partners for a shared unified health message.
Dean Don Felker Family Resource Management Award
The Dean Don Felker Family Resource Management Award is sponsored by the Indiana Affiliate and is given to FCS Educators who have developed an outstanding program on some aspect of family financial management which includes budgeting, credit management, savings, etc.
1st Place National Winner - Amanda Kostman & Team, Wisconsin "Rent Smart Curriculum" The Rent Smart curriculum is designed to provide practical education to help potential renters acquire and keep housing by offering guidance to those who may encounter difficulty obtaining rental housing. Team Members: Michelle Tidemann, Carol Bralich, Bev Baker, Sherry Daniels, Lori Baltrusis, Marybeth Wohlrabe, Judy Knutsen, Jenny Abel, Jackie Carattini, Heather Quackenboss, Peggy Olive, Joan Sprain, Jill Cholewa, Chris Kneip, Mandi Dornfeld, Lilliann Paine, Deb Neubauer, Gail Peavy, Chelsea Wunnicke, and Sara Siegel Bangart File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Leslie Workman, Kentucky "Family Budgeting and Financial Wellness for Habitat Families" Family Budgeting and Financial Wellness for Habitat Families in Pike County, KY has resulted in 28 families receiving homes and a $250,000 grant.
3rd Place National Winner - Becca Stackhouse, Georgia "Be Savvy - The Personal Issue of Finance" Be Savvy starts with getting the students in the mindset for budgeting choices through understanding their own individual personality, wants versus needs, and the importance to understanding a paycheck stub.
Early Childhood Child Care Training Award
1st Place National Winner - Lorrie Coop & Team, Texas "A new approach to Childcare Training in Texas" This team implemented a new strategy to provide Texas childcare providers with quality education through web-based sessions led by a program specialist and facilitated by county Extension agents. Team Members: Jodi Nerren, Dawn Dockter, Lorie Stovall, Karen DeZarn, Karen Lyssy, Charla Bading, and Kathy Smith File 1
2nd Place National Winner - Mary Schroeder & Team, Minnesota "Start Strong: Cooking, Feeding, and More" Start Strong: Cooking, Feeding and More is a curriculum designed to give child care providers the knowledge and skills needed to create healthier food and physically active environments for children. Team Members: Kelly Kunkel, Anna Seltjes, Donna Anderson, Megan Hruby, Aysegul Baltaci, and Coleton Hanson
3rd Place National Winner - Carrie Shrier & Team, Michigan "MSU Extension Early Childhood Educator Trainings" MSU Extension's early childhood educator trainings are research based; delivered both face to face and online across the state. Trainings help educators fulfill requirements with consistent, high-quality content and impact. Team Members: Courtney Aldrich, Danielle Melching, Kevin Zoromski, Michelle Neff, Kylie Rymanowicz, and Vivian Washington
Educational Curriculum Package Award
1st Place National Winner - Rachel Stewart & Team, Georgia "Healthy Georgia Wellness" Healthy Georgia Wellness curriculum was developed to assist with employee wellness programs and community education. It is a 14-lesson series to address the whole concept of wellness from financial to physical wellness. Team Members: Susan Moore, Becky Collins, Laura Smith, Georgeanne Cook, Terri Black, Marnie Dekle, Carrie Vanderver, Lisa Jordan, Rachel Hubbard, Denise Everson, Allison Berg, Pamula Turner, Elizabeth Andress, Diane Bales, Joan Koonce, Judy Harrison, Michael Rupured, Kisha Faulk, and Jackie Ogden File 1
2nd Place National Winner - Amy Ressler & Team, Texas "Familes Reading Every Day" The Families Reading Every day (FRED) curriculum is an excellent tool for educators to aid in the development of impactful programming to address family relationships and literacy development. Team Members: Stephen Green, Helen White, Kelsey Siegmund, Mike McBride, and Jenni Adams
3rd Place National Winner - Micah Holcombe, Texas "Play Streets Educational Package" Play Streets creates a safe play space to promote children's physical activity. Micah Holcombe implemented Play Streets in order to create a guide to provide this opportunity for community educators.
Environmental Education Award
1st Place National Winner - Cynthia Thompson & Team, Iowa "Nurturing Nature Explorers in Northeast Iowa Project" Partners across Northeast Iowa worked together to support outdoor classrooms and training to enhance children and families' positive experiences with nature and the outdoor environment. Team Members: Donna Donald, Lesia Oesterreich, Rhonda Seibert, Julie Munkel, and Jenna Pollack File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Jill Harris & Team, Kentucky "LED Lighting" Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are the most energy-efficient lighting on the market. This program taught consumers how to select and effectively use LEDS for the most impact. Team Members: Curt Judy
3rd Place National Winner - Katie Krause, Nebraska "Free Forest School and Nebraska Extension: Letting kids be kids, outdoors!" Free Forest School and Nebraska Extension provide young children and adult caregivers opportunities to explore the natural world. When children love nature, they will grow up to care for it.
Excellence in Multi State Collaboration AWARD
1st Place National Winner - Vanessa da Silva & Team, Arizona "Strengthening Cooperative Extension's Role in Diabetes Prevention" The Cooperative Extension National Diabetes Prevention Program interest group is a collaboration of Extension professionals working to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes across the country. Team Members: Carlin Rafie, Soghra Jarvandi, Zena Edwards, Nikki Johnson, Bridget Morrisroe-Aman, LaToya O'Neal Coleman, Lucinda Banegas-Carreon, Alison Berg, Laura Anderson, Debie Head, Debra Jones, Heather Norman, Margaret Haggenmiller, Leslie Shallcross, and Janice Hermann File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Wendy Lynch & Team, Florida "Professional Development Webinar Team Empowers Extension Educators Nationwide" A multi-state collaboration provided professional development in nutrition and wellness for Extension programs nationwide including diet trends, primary prevention of cognitive decline and dementia, and best practices for Extension programs. Team Members: Julie Garden-Robinson, Carlin Rafie, Kendra Zamojski, Julie England, and Wendy Dahl
Excellence in Teamwork AWARD
1st Place National Winner - Becca Stackhouse & Team, Georgia "Promoting Positive Youth Development through Relationship Education" Development of healthy relationships is vital to youth development. FACS and 4-H Agents across Georgia delivered RS+ to developed increased knowledge, attitudes, and skills salient to developing healthy romantic relationships. Team Members: Brad Averill, Cindee Sweda, Dana Lynh, Kayla Wall, Leigh Ann Aaron, Stephanie Benton, Suzanne Williams, Terri Carter, Kasey Hall, Ted Futris, Kristi Farner, Terri Black, Ann Center, Liz Singley, Kristen Sumpter, Morgan Langford, Leia Rylee, Mackenzie Molter, Nekeisha Randall, Rachel Eremchuk, Shelley McDaniel, AnnaMarie Harrison, Ashleigh Day, Audrey Justice, Bill Hammond, Brandi Shiflet, Christina Garner, Dinah Rowe, Gwendolyn Williams, Jackie Nunn, Kandi Edwards, Kasey Bozeman, Kelle Ashley, Kris Peavey, Lauren Dye, Leonard Anderson, Machelle Gill, Muqita Lumumba, Randie Gray, Renee Smagur, Sophie Walsky, Stephanie Skojac, Susan Goldman, Vicki Kuhnbander, and Wanda McLocklin File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Jill Breslawski & Team, Florida "A Multidisciplinary Approach to Exploring Food Safety with Dairy Science" Agents from a variety of disciplines created a diverse experience for youth participants by combining career exploration, food safety, and a hands-on cheese making enrichment activity. Team Members: Marie Arick, Chris Decubellis, and Colleen Larson
3rd Place National Winner - Jenny Aviles Rodriguez & Team, Florida "Healthy Florida Lifestyle Locally Grown In Orange County" The Healthy Florida Lifestyle locally grown in Orange County program is a multidiscipline, collaborative effort to improve the health and wellbeing of participants by focusing on 5 dimensions of wellbeing. Team Members: Jana Anderson, Virgilia Zabala, Tiare Silvasy, J.K. Yarborough, Hannah Wooten, Ed Thralls, John Roberts, Melinda Souers, Richard Tyson, and Caitlyn Glatting
Extension Disaster Education AWARD
The National Winner is Brenda Marty-Jimenez from Florida with "Think Nutrition During Hurricane Season". Brenda Marty-Jimenez educates individuals on disaster preparedness encouraging them to- 'Think Nutrition' when preparing for a hurricane. Partners seek program continuation to keep clientele prepared, resilient & ready for recovery. File 1, File 2, File 3
The NEAFCS Educator of the Year Award recognizes a professional Extension FCS Educator who is conducting outstanding educational programs that demonstrate impact on families and who has continued professional development activities and involvement.
Over her career, Joey Peutz has provided leadership for multifaceted programs in food safety, nutrition/health, and technology that are stakeholder driven, research based, team supported and with significant external funding.
File 1, File 2, File 3
Extension Housing Outreach AWARD
The Extension Housing Outreach Award is sponsored by Montana State University Extension and Housing Education & Research Association which recognizes programming that enhances housing outreach to communities and special needs families.
National Winner - Lisa Hamilton & Team, Florida "Partners in Impact: Creating a Multi-County Housing Education Team" Four FCS extension agents created a multi-county housing education team to document the collective impact of their rental, pre-purchase, and post-purchase education programs. Team Members: Judy Corbus, Johanna Gomez Gonzalez, and Sarah Ellis File 1, File 2, File 3
National Winner - Beth Stefura & Team, Ohio "Extension Housing Outreach Award" Today's housing market is challenging for low-to-moderate income Americans without down-payment savings. How to fit a mortgage payment into their budget. Assist homebuyers in your state. Team Members: Caezilia Loibl, Margaret Jenkins, Donna Green, Patrice Powers-Barker, Melissa Rupp, Heather Reister, Melanie Hart, Melinda Hill, Amanda Osborne, Lois McCampbell, and Whitney Gherman File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Kathleen Byrnes & Team, Kentucky "Healthy Horticulture for Every Body" The Healthy Horticulture for Every Body seminar provided a variety of topics addressing the physical, emotional, and mental benefits of gardening, and its impact on home environment. Team Members: Diane Mason, Ronda Rex, Kate Thompson, Cathy Jansen, Rachael Price, Sherri Broderick, Joan Bowling, Linda Brown-Price, Judy Hetterman, and Kenna Knight
3rd Place National Winner - Robert Weber, Michigan "Property Tax Foreclosure Counseling in Macomb County, MI" A highly effective foreclosure counseling program is implemented through strategic partnerships, marketing, design, and evaluation. Impact shows hundreds of households completing repayment plans and accessing millions of dollars in assistance.
Family Health and Wellness AWARD
1st Place National Winner - Julie Garden-Robinson & Team, North Dakota "On the Move to Stronger Bodies" On the Move to Stronger Bodies reached nearly 2,500 4th grade children and their families throughout North Dakota with materials that prompted changes in nutrition and physical activity behavior. Team Members: Christina Rittenbach, Cindy Klapperich, Debra Lee, Dena Kemmet, Donna Anderson, Kari Helgoe, Marcia Hellandsaas, Ronda Grippentrog, Susan Milender, and Vanessa Hoines File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Lori Wiggins & Team, Florida "Rural HEALTH (Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyle Tools for Heart Health): A Multilevel Approach to Reducing Health Disparities" Rural HEALTH is a high-impact, multilevel, academic-community collaborative that is improving the health and wellness of rural, low-income and racial/ethnic minority families in Florida. Team Members: LaToya O'Neal, Wendy Lynch, Kim Griffin, John Diaz, and Karla Shelnutt
3rd Place National Winner - Anita Herring & Team, Minnesota "Kids Serve Too! webinar series - MFLN & Sesame Street" The Military Families Learning Network and Sesame Street for Military Families collaborated on a five part webinar series to help service providers assist military families thrive despite transitions and challenges. Team Members: Sarah Baughman, Rachel Brauner, Andy Crocker, Sara Croymans, Robyn DiPietro-Wells, Melanie Gertzman, Kalin Goble, Kathleen Hlavaty, Sabrina Huda, Hannah Hyde, Debra Jennings, Jason Jowers, Vickie LaFollette, Paula Longoria, Terry Meisenbach, Kacy Mixon, Courtney O'Grady, Michaelene Ostrosky, and Antonio Freitas
Florence Hall AWARD
The Florence Hall Award recognizes members who have been alert in recognizing emerging issues or new concerns and interests of families or individuals and have planned and implemented programs which address these issues utilizing others in their communities.
1st Place National Winner - Christy Stuth & Team, Arizona "First Smiles SDF" The First Smiles program was designed and piloted to bring innovative oral health prevention techniques to rural communities. This pilot has paved the way for future funding, established implementation methods and determined future approaches to addressing the oral health needs of our state. Team Members: Evelyn Whitmer File 1
2nd Place National Winner - Janey Cline, Kentucky "Embracing The Addiction Crisis" To help ease some of the burden of those who suffer most from addiction Hart County FCS agent, Janey Cline, is taking a holistic approach by partnering with various community agencies to bring awareness, educate, and offer support to families who are struggling with addiction.
3rd Place National Winner - Jackie McLaughlin & Team, Texas "From the Ground Up Conference: Connecting Agriculture and Health" From the Ground Up: Connecting Agriculture and Health Conference is held in Central Texas. This collaboration of health professionals aims to bring awareness and educational information to help consumers. Team Members: Karen Jungman, Colleen Foleen, and Dana Tarter
food safety AWARD
1st Place National Winner - Elisa Shackelton & Team, Colorado "Preserve Smart: A Mobile-friendly Home Food Preservation Tool" The Preserve Smart app/website provides 24/7 mobile access to tested food preservation recipes and processes, searchable by produce type and with customizable elevation adjustments up to 10,000'. Team Members: Marisa Bunning, Erin Durant, Laura Griffin, Mary Snow, Sheila Gains, Amber Webb, Ann Duncan, Michael Lucero, Abby Weber, Anne Zander, Glenda Wentworth, Libby Christensen, Carla Farrand. Beth Adams, Amanda Johnston, Derek Stegelman, Gisele Jefferson, and Joy Akey File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Diane Mason & Team, Kentucky "Mystery Dinner: The Uninvited Guest Food Safety Training" Highly interactive food safety workshop presented through solving fictitious food borne illness scenario, learning stations, and pathogen awareness results in participants no longer washing meats, and rapidly cooling foods. Team Members: Kathy Byrnes, Joan Bowling, Linda Brown-Price, Ronda Rex, Kate Thompson, Sherri Broderick, Cathy Jansen, Judy Hetterman, Kenna Knight, and Rachael Price
3rd Place National Winner - Lisa Treiber & Team, Michigan "Safe Food = Healthy Kids" Michigan State University Extension developed Safe Food Healthy Kids to educate childcare providers, using a dual engagement method, classroom and educational text messages to reinforce food safety concepts taught. Team Members: Kara Lynch, Laurie Messing, and Eileen Haraminac
Greenwood Frysinger AWARD
The Greenwood Frysinger Award is presented to someone who has been a member for 5 years or less and has had an opportunity to expand their professional network through an outstanding mentor/mentee experience.
1st Place National Winner - Beverly Jackey, Maryland. Her mentor is Virginia Brown from Maryland. Beverly Jackey and Virginia Brown are FCS Educators at the University of Maryland. Since their unique mentee/mentor partnership began in 2017, Virginia has mentored Beverly on her path to tenure. File 1
2nd Place National Winner - Lance Hansen, Idaho As a new Extension Educator, I have been guided by great mentors that have taken the time to make sure that I have the resources I need to be successful.
3rd Place National Winner - Rhonda Peters, North Carolina. Her mentor is Sharon English. Under the skilled leadership and mentoring of Sharon English, Rhonda Peters was able to build a FCS program, network with professionals, and take on leadership roles in her district association.
Human Development/Family Relationships AWARD
1st Place National Winner - Sara Croymans & Team, Minnesota "MFLN Resilience Webinar Series" The Military Families Learning Network Resilience webinar series engaged 381 military family service providers in three 90-minute webinars. A problem based learning approach enhanced learning while wrap arounds extended learning. Team Members: Abby Amacher, Jessica Beckendorf, Robert Bertsch, Jen Chilek, Kalin Goble, Kathleen Hlavaty, Hannah Hyde, Jason Jowers, Vickie LaFollette, Ann Masten, Kacy Mixon, Anita Harris Hering, Jenny Rea, Brigitte Scott, Michael Ungar, Kerry Walker, Froma Walsh, and Coral Owen File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Patricia Carroll & Team, Wisconsin "Raising Caring Kids (RCK)" Raising Caring Kids is a research informed program delivered through school partners that uses short articles and videos to teach different social and emotional learning skills to parents of 1st-5th graders. Team Members: Sue Allen, Brook Berg, Lori Zierl, Anne Clarkson, Mary Huser, and Margaret Kerr
3rd Place National Winner - Joy West, Arkansas "Skills for Successful Reentry" Citizens on parole or probation often need skills and support to reenter society successfully. Onsite personal development classes teach skills for interacting positively with others and to manage themselves productively.
Innovation in Programming AWARD
The Innovation in Programming Award recognizes innovation and accomplishment in the design and implementation of an FCS program. This award is sponsored by the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP).
1st Place National Winner - Diane Mason & Team, Kentucky "Mystery Dinner: The Uninvited Guest teaches participants about food safety" Solving a fictitious food safety mystery taught participants key information to help prevent foodborne illness and, they received information to share with others in their network of friends and family. Team Members: Kathy Byrnes, Joan Bowling, Linda Brown-Price, Ronda Rex, Kate Thompson, Sherri Broderick, Cathy Jansen, Judy Hetterman, Kenna Knight, and Rachael Price File 1
2nd Place National Winner - Cindy Klapperich & Team, North Dakota "Healthwise for Guys / Healthwise for Women" We listened to the guys! 'Healthwise for Guys' was created in response to what men told us were their health concerns and learning preferences. 'Healthwise for Women' was its sequel. Team Members: Julie Garden-Robinson and Kristi Berdal
3rd Place National Winner - Z. Tennille Short & Team, Tennessee "Bringing It Home: A Podcast About Home & Family" Two Tennessee Extension Agents teamed up to produce a weekly podcast about home and family. Their unique style of wit and humor attracted over 100,000 listeners in 2019. Team Members: Sarah Poole
Innovative Youth Development Programming AWARD
1st Place National Winner - Micah Holcombe, Texas "Play Streets Innovative Youth Development Program Award" Play Streets creates a safe play space to promote children's health and physical activity. Micah Holcombe and community partners provided this opportunity for families in rural Milam County from 2017-2019. File 1, File 2, File 3
2nd Place National Winner - Dawn Dockter, Texas "Kids Crockin' Nutrition and Cooking Series" Kids Crockin' is a cooking series for 3rd - 5th graders. Attendees use slow cookers to prepare healthy meals for themselves and their families, building self-confidence and encouraging positive family interaction.
3rd Place National Winner - Denise Smith & Team, Wyoming "STEAM Fridays" STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) Fridays are designed to reach a diverse youth audience, ages 5-18, through participation in a wide topic range of hands-on educational workshops and experiences. Team Members: Kellie Chichester and Erin Smith
Marketing Package AWARD
1st Place National Winner - Susan Moore & Team, Georgia "UGA EFNEP Marketing Materials" The UGA EFNEP team developed new and innovative recruitment materials that gave participants and agencies a greater understanding of our services resulting in increased awareness and visibility for EFNEP. Team Members: La Keshia Levi, Tiffany Williams, Rhea Bentley, Kimberly Howell, Rebecca Thomas, Ines Beltran, Carin Booth, Ida Jackson, Carla Moore, Cindee Sweda, Annette Montero, LaZavia Greer, Leslie Weaver, Diandria Barber, and Zoe Soltanmammedova File 1
2nd Place National Winner - Nelly Nelson & Team, Florida "Improving Relationships, SMART Couples Florida Project" Our target audiences require a high level of programmatic marketing and recruitment to reduce the barriers to program participation and completion through providing a holistic, safety net of services to strengthen their relationships. Team Members: Stephanie Toelle, Ginny Hinton, Cyndi Longley, and Victor Harris
3rd Place National Winner - Ida Malyn Jackson, Georgia "Food For Talk" In an effort to bring awareness to the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) Food Talk series; a combination of news articles and social media post are marketed to reach the masses. Utilizing these marketing strategies displays community partnership collaborations, the presence of UGA's EFNEP program in the community, and is evidence of the works of the program.
Mary W. Wells Memorial Diversity AWARD
The Mary W. Wells Memorial Diversity Award recognizes outstanding efforts and accomplishments of individual and/or teams in diversity and pluralism for any Extension FCS program or activity, including staff development, advisory councils, programs, etc.
1st Place National Winner - Whitney Gherman, Ohio "Food, Land, and Freedom" Whitney Gherman has worked to address the unequal food system by increasing farmland stewardship among African Americans, promoting fair access to healthy food, and providing multi-cultural leadership training. File 1, File 2
2nd Place National Winner - Lamanda Weston, Tennessee "Walk Across Tennessee-Step It Up!" Walk Across Tennessee - Step it Up is a six-week team based physical activity program. Its main objective is to get participants up and moving however possible!
3rd Place National Winner - Becca Stackhouse & Team, Georgia "Developing Basic Laundering Skills in Each Socioeconomic Aspect" Within the Crisp County School System working with the socioeconomic's aspect to teach basic laundry skills and safety. Team Members: Pamela Turner and Amelia Gibbs
Master Family & Consumer Sciences Volunteer Program AWARD
The National Winner is Surine Greenway & Team from Idaho.  "Idaho Master Food Safety Advisor Program" This team of Family & Consumer Sciences Extension Educators trains community members to become food safety-based volunteers who educate and influence behavior change in individuals throughout Idaho. Team Members: Amy Robertson, Bridget Morrisroe-Aman, Joey Peutz, Sendy Martinez, and Nikki Telford File 1, File 2, File 3
Past Presidents’ New Professional AWARD
The Past Presidents’ New Professional Award recognizes outstanding accomplishments of NEAFCS members within the first three years from date of original employment with Cooperative Extension Service.
Callie Ward is a community leader and has solidified partnerships with many local and state agencies. Her area of expertise includes rural home and community development, personal finance, and 4-H.
File 1, File 2
Program Excellence Through Research AWARD
1st Place National Winner - Edda Cotto-Rivera & Team, Georgia "A Systematic Evaluation guides the development of UGA SNAP-Ed Social Marketing programs" The findings, experiences, and lessons learned from the UGA SNAP-Ed FNV Campaign will inform the development of a new statewide Social Marketing campaign tailored to low-income Georgians. Team Members: Jung Sun Lee, Joanna Akin, Vibha Bhargava, Danielle Anthony, Laurel Sanville, Allisen Penn, Austin Childers, Marnie Dekle, Lisa Jodan, Jennine DeLane, Michelle Mcqueen, and Darci Bell File 1, File 2
2nd Place National Winner - Stephanie Smith, Washington "Need for Utilizing Online Food Safety Education Across Washington: Implications for Nationwide Extension Programming" Consumers play a major role in food safety and their lack of knowledge and practices contribute to foodborne illnesses. A statewide consumer food safety survey was conducted to assess consumer food safety practices so data could identify best methods to develop, create, and deliver new and effective food safety programming.
3rd Place National Winner - Beverly Jackey & Team, Maryland "Using Technology for Expanding Extension Programming in Rural Areas" In 2017, the University of Maryland Extension, Health Literacy Team conducted a cross-sectional study examining the health literacy of Marylanders and Extension program delivery preferences. Team Members: Virginia Brown and Lisa McCoy
School Wellness AWARD
1st Place National Winner - Cathy Agan & Team, Louisiana "Indoor Playground Changes the System of Rainy-Day Recess" Rainy days at schools usually mean inside recess with sedentary activities. That system has changed at Shady Grove Elementary thanks to an indoor playground! Team Members: Markaye Russell, Denise Breard, Dvawn Maza, Brady Middleton, Pam Sapp, and Kimberly Butcher File 1
2nd Place National Winner - Z. Tennille Short, Tennessee "The Great Haywood Hydrate" Water bottle stations plus a semester of water promotion led to a reduced number of sodas being consumed by intermediate school students in a rural West Tennessee county.
3rd Place National Winner - Nicole Jacobs & Team, New Mexico "Healthy Living Program" The New Mexico Healthy Living Program is a statewide collaborative effort with schools and community partners to improve the health habits of youth and families in our state. Team Members: Stephen Beck, Mindy Turner, Shannon Wooton, Bryce Jorgenson, Nicole Lujan, Tom Dominguez, Anne Marie Wilson, Sarah Katie Sharpton, Robyn Haynes, Trisha Chaves, Desaree Jimenez, and Amanda Benton
1st Place National Winner - Danielle DeVries-Navarro & Team, Florida "Marjorie S. Fisher Nutrition Driven" Marjorie S. Fisher Nutrition Driven Gets Cooking Program improves nutrition-related behaviors of low-income immigrant population in Jupiter, Florida. It is a mobile food pantry providing EFNEP's nutrition education. Team Members: Nicole Duffy-Owens File 1
2nd Place National Winner - Mary Caskey & Team, Minnesota "My TIME to Eat Healthy and Move More" My TIME to Eat Healthy and Move More is a train-the-trainer curriculum for home-based Educators working with parents and preschool children to improve their food choices and physical activity. Team Members: Mary Krentz, Mary Schroeder, Amy Baack, Kelly Kunkel, and Hyunjun Kim
3rd Place National Winner - Casey Coombs & Team, Utah "Create Better Health Nutrition Curriculum for Adults" Utah SNAP-Ed's innovative curriculum, Create Better Health, has been shown to improve the short and long-term nutrition, physical activity, and food resource management-related behaviors of SNAP-Ed eligible adults. Team Members: Heidi LeBlanc, Jacqueline Neid-Avila, Kristi Strongo, Marcia Gertge, Jocelin Gibson, Celina Wille, Melanie Jewkes, Paola Johnson, LaCee Jimenez, and Kaitlin Waters
Social Media Education AWARD
1st Place National Winner - Amanda Christensen & Team, Utah "Utah Money Moms" The Utah Money Moms social media platforms and blog share real-life money smarts which has improved the financial well-being of followers and increased the reach of USU Extension. Team Members: Elizabeth Vance, Kathy Riggs, Callie Ward, Melanie Jewkes, Tasha Killian, Elizabeth Davis, Emma Parkhurst, Mike Whitesides, and Olivia Yeip File 1
2nd Place National Winner - Jocelin Villarreal & Team, Texas "FABLOW AgriLife Social Media" FABLOW AgriLife is a multi-county collaboration between the Family and Community Health (FCH) Agents of Frio, Atascosa, Bee, Live Oak, and Wilson County. This is their third year implementing health and wellness topics through online content. Team Members: Druann Benavides, Jessica Faubion, Nicole Demmer, and June Ureste
3rd Place National Winner - Brenda Marty-Jimenez, Florida "FCS Educates Via Scholarly Blogs" Brenda Marty-Jimenez, Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Agent educates clientele on a variety of FCS topics via scholarly blogs and other social media outlets which support Extension's educational outreach.