Annual Session Host Files

Interested in hosting an Annual Session?  Click on the resources below for more information. If you have any questions, please contact NEAFCS Conference Planner Elizabeth Lane at [email protected].

Information from Past Liaisons

What are things that future liaison teams should know?

  • From the get go invite members from the state(s)/region to be part of the planning/implementing. This can help encourage involvement and financial contributions from the affiliates.
  • Liaisons need to have a vision and objectives. Input from members is important to get buy in. Liaisons need to have their ideas and be able to communicate them with members and committees.
  • Two years prior to annual session, get the membership list for the region and nearby states, and ask members to fill out a survey to determine what subcommittees they would be willing to help with.
  • Map out a timeline of tasks based on priority. 
  • Periodically hold meetings that include all subcommittee chairs to ensure details are being shared. 
  • Subcommittees should meet with at least one of the liaisons. This way info could be shared across all committees.
  • Liaison biweekly meetings kept everyone up-to-date so we could share information in subcommittee meetings. 
  • Communicate with program leaders and directors as needed to assist with donations and sponsorships.
  • Finding corporate sponsors can be difficult; organizations aren’t funding conferences the way they used to. Looking for other sources of donations will be important, start early.  Consider grant funding.
  • Use google docs to share information and keep meeting minutes.