2023 NEAFCS National Award Winners
Click here to access a list of all of the 2023 Winners as a PDF. Click here to access Press Releases for 2023 Award Winners.
communications awards
Educational Publication:
1st Place National Winner -  David Brown & Team from Iowa "Farm and Ranch Wellness: Key Educational Publications" The Farm and Ranch Wellness Project provided outreach to farmers, farm workers, families and their advocates. Three developed educational publications also offered stress assistance and mental health resources and information. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Vicki Hayman & Team from Wyoming "High-Altitude Baking Cookbook" The University of Wyoming Extension's High-Altitude Baking cookbook offers altitude-adjusted recipes and photos for many baked goods. Research-based specific baking tips and techniques are given for each cookbook division.
3rd Place National Winner -  Vicki Hayman from Wyoming "Food Preservation with Reduced or No Salt or Sugar" University of Wyoming Extension's Food Preservation with Reduced or NoSalt or Sugar publication provides individuals with research-based and tested food preservation recipes using reduced or no salt or sugar.
Internet Education Technology:
1st Place National Winner -  Jenna Smith & Team from Illinois "Feeding My Baby from Cradle to Table" Feeding My Baby from Cradle to Table addresses current issues in infant nutrition. Created by a multi-disciplinary team, the Illinois Extension website features ten topics with videos and printable pdfs. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Melanie Jewkes & Team from Utah "Inflation.usu.edu" Stress related to money and inflation is at the highest level recorded since 2015. USU Extension's inflation website addressed these finance needs with a reach over 890,000.
3rd Place National Winner -  Candice Christian & Team from North Carolina "Safe Plates Food Safety Information Center (FSIC)" Safe Plates utilizes a social media intervention to accomplish the mission of improving food safety knowledge and practices of consumers by providing science-based information that is applicable to everyday situations.
1st Place National Winner -  Rachel Tansey & Team from New Jersey "Work Well - Workforce Wellness Newsletters" The goal of Work Well Workforce Wellness Newsletters encourages employees to live longer healthier productive lives and reduce chronic disease risks by promoting nutritious eating and active lifestyles. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Priscilla Gilliam from Tennessee "Restroom Readers Newsletter" Restroom Readers Newsletters were developed to extend the reach of education by providing timely topics of interest to individuals and families.
3rd Place National Winner -  Sharolyn Jackson from Kansas "Walk Kansas - Lifestyle for a Healthy Mind" Lifestyle for a Healthy Mind was the theme for Walk Kansas newsletters in 2022. This 8-week health initiative involves an average of 6,000 participants each year.
Radio or Podcast:
1st Place National Winner -  Tristin Bolton & Team from Arkansas "Grown Up U: Facts for Success" Podcast Program Grown Up U: Facts for Success is an "adulting" podcast specifically designed for older teens and young adults to help them gain critical life skills needed to live independently. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Karen Poff & Team from Virginia "Money Management Tips to Get Out of Debt" The Money Management Tips for Getting Out of Debt radio show and podcast empowered the audience and 3,772 podcast listeners to create a debt repayment plan and reduce their debt.
3rd Place National Winner -  Lydia Hoskins from Tennessee "The Multi-Advantages of the Multi-Cooker" Stovetop pressure cooking has been popular for decades; multicookers have become a common alternative. However, misinformation and misuse has deterred some consumers. This interview covered benefits, proper usage, and safety.
1st Place National Winner -  Crystal Tyler-Mackey & Team from Virginia "Balancing Life Weekly Webinar Series Provides Tools and Resources to Effectively and Successfully Navigate Professional and Personal Spaces" Balancing Life weekly webinars offers a rapid response to help adults, families, service providers and other professionals address pressing and timely concerns relevant to FCS. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Jessica Riggin from Oklahoma "Oklahoma Gardening, Cooking Segments" Jessica Riggin has appeared monthly on Oklahoma gardening with plant-forward cooking demonstrations.
3rd Place National Winner -  Kristi Shive from Kentucky "The Farm and Home Show" The Farm and Home Show is an educational, five-minute, show produced by the Warren County Cooperative Extension Service located in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The show shares seasonal topics Monday-Friday.
Written Media:
1st Place National Winner -  Andrea Nikolai from Florida "No Fowl: Turkey Prices May Be Up, But There are Alternatives" This article was written to help give people nutritious and delicious options that they could serve as the main dish instead of turkey for Thanksgiving. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Portia Johnson & Team from Alabama "Press Release for Alabama FAST FAFSA Application Survival Toolkit Campaign" The written media release, Alabama FAST: Extension Helping Students Survive FAFSA, announces how Extension programming supports families and educators with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid - better known as FAFSA.
3rd Place National Winner -  Denise Sullivan from Missouri "Plants on Your Plate" Plants on Your Plate is a monthly column published in four local media outlets. Articles feature history, nutrition information and a healthy recipe on a variety of fruits and vegetables.
community partnership award
1st Place National Winner -  Maren Voss & Team from Utah "Tooele Opioid Response Network: A Community Fighting/Overcoming Utah's Rural Opioid Epidemic" Extension-led Tooele Opioid Response Network combats opioid overdose in high-need areas. As an inclusive community consortium, TORN raises awareness, provides education, and connects communities with prevention, treatment, and recovery resources. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Sara Bridgewater from Missouri "Creating a Healthier Bates County through a Countywide Collaboration & Partnership" A countywide collaboration in Bates County, Missouri transformed into a countywide volunteer program focusing on service projects. Projects focused on food security, education, STEAM programming, and linking community resources.
3rd Place National Winner -  Amy Monk from Arkansas "WaySeekers: Making a Way for Women in Crisis Thru Partnerships" The root causes of crisis for women are overwhelming, requiring an approach utilizing community partnerships. FCS Agent, Amy Monk, established a non-profit, WaySeekers Ministry, to help.
Financial Management Award in Memory of Dean Don Felker
The Financial Management Award in Memory of Dean Don Felker is sponsored by the Indiana Affiliate and is given to FCS Educators who have developed an outstanding program on some aspect of family financial management which includes budgeting, credit management, savings, etc.
National Winner -  Katie Gellings & Team from Wisconsin "Wisconsin Extension - Building Youth Financial Literacy through the Money As You Grow Program " Children learn key money concepts through books and book guides, written by UW Madison Extension Educators. Using fun activities and discussion, family financial knowledge and skills are enhanced. Winner Application Files
Early Childhood Child Care Training Award
1st Place National Winner -  Jenny Rudolph & Team from Oregon "Nourished and Thriving Children Trauma-Informed Nutrition Online Course" This self-paced course introduces the six principles of trauma-informed feeding and nutrition, discusses nutrition and mealtime challenges specific to children who have experienced trauma, and offers guidance in addressing these challenges using trauma-informed principles. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Shannon Wilson & Team from Iowa "Passport to Early Childhood Education for Program Administrators Course" The Passport to Early Childhood Education for Program Administrators Course is a free online training providing supervisors with practical, real-world strategies to guide and support teachers and staff.
3rd Place National Winner -  Jennifer Parlin & Team from Arizona "Early Childhood Physical Activity and Trauma Awareness Training Program" The University of Arizona's Early Childhood Training Program was designed to train educators on trauma awareness, teacher led physical activity, and engaging with caregivers about physical activity in the home.
Educational Curriculum Package Award
1st Place National Winner -  Portia Johnson & Team from Alabama "FAFSA: Ready, Set, Go, A novel college financial aid curriculum" FAFSA: Ready, Set, Go curriculum, designed by Human Resource Management & Workforce Development, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, promotes informed FAFSA decision-making among high school seniors and juniors. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  JoAnn Vann & Team from Arkansas "Kid Chef Challenge Curriculum" The Clark County Extension Office team actively collaborates to facilitate youth adopting attitudes and skills that positively impact their quality of life across their lifespan.
3rd Place National Winner - Heather Wingo & Team from Arkansas "Move with Ease" Move with Ease is a curriculum designed to help provide a structured and safe physical activity opportunity for individuals to self-manage their chronic pain. This program includes yoga-based movements to strengthen and increase flexibility, deep breathing exercise, body scans and guided meditation exercises, and short lessons on self-management techniques for chronic pain. Team members include Emily Davis, Kristal Draper, JoAnn Vann, and Heather Wingo.
Environmental Education Award
1st Place National Winner -  Ashleigh Childs & Team from Georgia "Pollinate Your Plate: Connecting Pollinator Protection with Nutrition and Chronic Disease Prevention" The Pollinate Your Plate curriculum was created in partnership between Family and Consumer Sciences and Agricultural and Natural Resources agents with the goal to impact initiatives in both program areas. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Laura Smith & Team from Georgia "FIND/Right Sizing Decluttering Series" A decluttering series aimed at helping participants discover their clutter personalities and concrete methods to deal with clutter.
3rd Place National Winner -  Anna Goff & Team from Arkansas "Do Your Part & Walk Across NWA" The goal was to increase stormwater awareness and reduce litter, while improving people's mental well-being and minutes of weekly physical activity.
Excellence in Multi State Collaboration AWARD
1st Place National Winner -  Audrey Rider & Team from South Dakota "Fit and Healthy Kids Multi-State ECE collaboration" Through networking at national conferences and collaborative teams, we formed a Fit and Healthy Kids team of professionals who are focused on Early Childhood from six states. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Sara Croymans & Team from Minnesota "SDSU & MN Extension Home Sweet Home Webinar Series" Educators from South Dakota State University and the University of Minnesota Extension collaborated to provide a 3-part webinar series on healthy homes for individuals struggling with hoarding, home safety, and pest management challenges.
3rd Place National Winner -  Rachel Stewart & Team from Georgia "Healthy Georgia Wellness Curriculum" The Healthy Georgia Wellness curriculum provides health and wellness education to adults in a timely and efficient learning environment. It started out as a Georgia program and now has become a multi state educational initiative.
Excellence in Teamwork AWARD
1st Place National Winner -  Alyshia Victoria & Team from Tennessee "Fresh Wagon Mobile Food Distribution: Supporting Families and Agriculture" Fresh Wagon is a community-based partnership with UT Extension Union County FCS and Agriculture agents to deliver drive through food distributions in the most rural or impoverished areas of the county that promote fresh produce consumption, nutrition & cooking education, and support of local agriculture. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Laura Graves & Team from Texas "Northeast Texas Interactive Trail" Red River County and Lamar County Extension offices have partnered with the Red River Texas Master Naturalists to implement an interactive trail project to encourage families to engage in physical activity. The premise of the project is to help residents learn about the trail, relax their mind, and strengthen their bodies.
3rd Place National Winner -  Emma Parkhurst & Team from Utah "Create Healthy Gardens: A SNAP-Ed and Master Gardener Collaboration" A multidisciplinary team established the Davis County Create Healthy Gardens (CHG) program to improve access to fresh produce and to help low-income residents gain skills to prepare nourishing meals.
Extension Disaster Education AWARD
1st Place National Winner -  Nichole Huff & Team from Kentucky "In the Face of Disaster: An Agent Toolkit for Disaster Readiness and Response" Because there is no "one-size-fits-all" disaster model, planning outreach is challenging. "In the Face of Disaster: An Agent Toolkit for Disaster Readiness and Response" offers structured-yet-flexible approaches to disaster education. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Melanie Taylor & Team from Florida "Homebuyer Education Aids Hurricane Recovery in the Florida Panhandle" Learn how five counties partner to teach a hybrid home buyer program to those recovering from home damage, rental property damage, and/or loss of their home due to a hurricane.
3rd Place National Winner - Anna Goff from Arkansas "EHC Volunteers Leading with Life Skills and Teamwork" Through communication and teamwork, EHC members, 4-H Families, and Master Gardeners donated over 20,570 masks to emergency services, medical facilities and other essential locations in need connected to Northwest Arkansas.
The NEAFCS Educator of the Year Award recognizes a professional Extension FCS Educator who is conducting outstanding educational programs that demonstrate impact on families and who has continued professional development activities and involvement.
During her career, Margaret Jenkins has authored several peer review journal articles and abstracts, presented at state and national conferences and utilized multiple media tools to communicate and educate in print, through television and radio. She sees no limits when working to educate her audiences. She is an active member of OJCEP and has held committee leadership roles with NEAFCS. Indeed, Margaret is an active member of several professional organizations where she can serve, support and collaborate with other professionals to further Extension FCS and the profession. Winner Application Files
Extension Housing Outreach AWARD
The Extension Housing Outreach Award is sponsored by Montana State University Extension and Housing Education & Research Association which recognizes programming that enhances housing outreach to communities and special needs families.
National Winner - Jill Breslawski & Team from Florida "Meeting Clients "Where They're At": An Innovative Approach to First-Time Homebuyer's Education" Four agents in the Panhandle of Florida pooled their time, skills, and resources to create an accessible class for prospective homeowners in their counties. In 2022, the agents in Bay, Holmes & Washington, Jackson, and Bay counties created a hybrid version of the First-Time Home Buyer's class to meet their clients "where they're at." Winner Application Files
National Winner - Susan Moore & Team from Georgia "FIND: Focusing on Important Necessities in Your Dwelling" UGA and MSU Extension used the FIND curriculum to teach adults to control clutter at home to lead healthier lives and prevent indoor health hazards like mold and falls. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Sara Croymans & Team from Minnesota "Home Sweet Home Webinar Series" The Home Sweet Home webinar series provided education on healthy homes with residents of South Dakota and Minnesota who were personally struggling with hoarding, home safety, and pest management challenges.
3rd Place National Winner -  Michael Elonge & Team from Maryland "Housing Eviction Prevention Education" Housing Eviction Prevention Education brings county housing directors together under the leadership of the Extension Educator to provide professional development seminars to frontline staff working with tenants in public housing.
Family Health and Wellness AWARD
1st Place National Winner -  Carrie Elsen & Team from Missouri “Freeze It!” by the University of Missouri Extension University of Missouri Extension (MU) designed the "Freeze It!" (FI) curriculum to increase the frequency of home-prepared meals by teaching freezer food preservation, meal preparation, and food-waste reduction. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Kenna Knight & Team from Kentucky "More than a Story Walk" Kindergarten readiness, early childhood literacy, access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and increased physical activity are the goals we have expanded on with our StoryWalks for the past three years.
3rd Place National Winner - June Puett & Team from Tennessee "Move Around the Region" Move Around the Region was developed by FCS Agents in response to isolation associated with the pandemic in Fall of 2020 and was adapted the following two years. The program engaged participants in tracking daily exercise and provided relevant educational resources.
Florence Hall AWARD
The Florence Hall Award recognizes members who have been alert in recognizing emerging issues or new concerns and interests of families or individuals and have planned and implemented programs which address these issues utilizing others in their communities.
1st Place National Winner -  Sarah Poole & Team from Tennessee "Financial Fridays" Financial Fridays is an online financial education series aimed at helping consumers gain knowledge to help them feel more confident about their money in today's ever changing economy. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Joy West & Team from Arkansas "NEAFCS Leadership Experience Program Development" Leaders in organizations can be hard to find but can successfully be developed from the membership through investing in training and mentorship, as shown through the NEAFCS Leadership Experience program.
3rd Place National Winner -  Mary Beth Lima & Team from Tennessee "Personal Finance For Teachers Training Innovative Hybrid Model" The University of Tennessee Team created a program addressing emerging issues in Personal Finance. This innovative hybrid model was created reaching teachers across the state in all urban/rural areas.
food safety AWARD
1st Place National Winner -  Torrie Smith & Team from Arkansas "Tri-County Homestead Education Series" After the pandemic, a flux of new Arkansas residence moved in to rural areas in the hopes of becoming more self-sufficient. The FCS Extension Agents in Boone, Carroll, and Marion Counties teamed up to provide education to these individuals on safe practices to use while homesteading. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Andrea Schmutz & Team from Utah "Preserve the Harvest Online Series" Concerned about misinformation and non-researched based procedures during a recent surge in home food preservation, USU Extension created an innovative, interactive online webinar series to educate and prevent food-borne illness.
3rd Place National Winner -  Cecelia Hostilo & Team from Kentucky "Charcuterie Boards 101" Charcuterie Boards are very popular, but food safety is rarely addressed. Charcuterie Boards 101 put a strong emphasis on food safety and cross contact issues along with creativity and preparation.
Greenwood Frysinger AWARD
The Greenwood Frysinger Award is presented to someone who has been a member for 5 years or less and has had an opportunity to expand their professional network through an outstanding mentor/mentee experience.
National Winner is Elizabeth Martin from Louisiana. Her mentorship with Leslee Blanch has become a special friendship that she is eternally grateful for. Leslee has become her biggest work supporter and cheerleader. Winner Application Files
Human Development/Family Relationships AWARD
1st Place National Winner -  Melanie Dabb & Team from Utah "Promoting Positive Youth Development Through a Curriculum to Increase Confidence in Youth" A multidisciplinary team of university faculty created an innovative six lesson curriculum designed to increase confidence in youth which in turn helps build resilience in youth. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Sara Croymans & Team from Minnesota "A Close Look at Relationships: Supporting Military Couples Webinar Series" The OneOp Family Transitions team developed a 5-part webinar series, A Close Look at Relationships: Supporting Military Couples for service providers working with military families.
3rd Place National Winner -  Kyleigh Brown & Team from Missouri "Virtual Building Strong Families" Thanks to a mutually beneficial partnership between MU Extension and The Missouri Division of Social Services, Missouri parents can gain parenting education to maintain or regain custody of their children.
Innovation in Programming AWARD
The Innovation in Programming Award recognizes innovation and accomplishment in the design and implementation of an FCS program. This award is sponsored by the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP).
1st Place National Winner -  Jackie Steffen & Team from Nebraska "STEM Imagination Guides" STEM Imagination Guides provide early childhood professionals and families with books, guided questions, and expanded learning resources to support literacy development, enhance relationships, and to make connections with their library. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Valerie Vincent from Louisiana "New Community Nutrition Education Station Site" The Covington Community Garden Nutrition Education STation (NEST) was established and constructed in a food insecure neighborhood on formerly vacant/abandoned land donated. The Community NEST has provided learning opportunities.
3rd Place National Winner -  Rick Griffiths & Team from New Mexico "The Leadership Experience: Creating New Leaders" The NEAFCS Leadership Experience has proven its ability to strengthen and grow leaders at the local, state and national levels through innovative research-based training and mentorship.
Innovative Youth Development Programming AWARD
1st Place National Winner -  Karen Denniston & Team from Kentucky "Peter Rabbit Goes to School" Nutrition conscious eating habits need nurturing at an early age. A skit showing Peter Rabbit's love of vegetables was shared with 319 kindergarten student while tasting Mr. McGregor's garden vegetables. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Kenna Knight & Team from Kentucky "More than a Story Walk" Kindergarten readiness, early childhood literacy, access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and increased physical activity are the goals we have expanded on with our StoryWalks for the past three years.
3rd Place National Winner -  Lance Hansen & Team from Idaho "Employment Feud" One of the most fulfilling parts of being an Extension Educator with University of Idaho is helping the youth learn the skills they need to be productive, successful adults.
Marketing Package AWARD
1st Place National Winner -  Shelley Meyer from Kentucky "Skeleton Tracks through Urban Hikes" Skeleton Tracks through Urban Hikes was a unique walking challenge for downtown Cynthiana, KY during the month of October. Participants partook in physical activity while sightseeing the town's skeleton displays. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Heidi LeBlanc & Team from Utah "Eat Fresh, Buy Local: A Marketing Package Addressing Food Access and Nutrition" Utah State University Extension Create Better Health (SNAP-Ed) Eat Fresh, Buy Local social marketing package was successfully designed to address food insecurity and improve access to local agriculture.
3rd Place National Winner -  Niki Maness from North Carolina "Meeting Families Where They Are" Increasing opportunities for family education and reducing stigma on taking parent education classes by collaborating with community agencies and using Cooperative Extension to provide resources and education that preserve, enhance, and strengthen relationships.
Mary W. Wells Memorial Diversity AWARD
The Mary W. Wells Memorial Diversity Award recognizes outstanding efforts and accomplishments of individual and/or teams in diversity and pluralism for any Extension FCS program or activity, including staff development, advisory councils, programs, etc.
1st Place National Winner -  Sara Croymans & Team from Minnesota "OneOp MFRA - Family Well-Being: Navigating the Social Justice Landscape" OneOp's Military Family Readiness Academy, Family Well-Being: Navigating the Social Justice Landscape, addressed the intersections between engaging a social justice mindset and the ability to support the well-being of diverse military families. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Linda Reddish & Team from Nebraska "Increasing Childcare through Nebraska's Early Childhood CDA Program" In Nebraska, 80% of counties lack sufficient childcare to meet local workforce needs. 69% of families surveyed in rural Nebraska reported finding infant and toddler childcare as challenging to very challenging. To address this need, Nebraska Extension's Early Childhood team launched the Child Development Associate (CDA) Pathways program.
3rd Place National Winner -  Kim Griffin & Team from Florida "Diverse and Inclusive Financial Education Program for Vulnerable Youth" A diverse and inclusive financial education program was provided for vulnerable youth to increase knowledge, skills and abilities related to money management.
Master Family & Consumer Sciences Volunteer Program AWARD
National Winner -
Joanne Ureste-Armijo from Texas "Master Clothing Volunteers in Action" The Master Clothing Volunteer Program is a volunteer group supported by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service-Hidalgo County. The program is designed to develop leadership and teaching skills using clothing and textile techniques. Trained Master Clothing Volunteers work in their communities to assist youth, families, and community groups in learning how to buy, construct, and care for garments. The goal of the program is to train individuals to learn how to sew and start a small business. Winner Application Files
Past Presidents’ New Professional AWARD
The Past Presidents’ New Professional Award recognizes outstanding accomplishments of NEAFCS members within the first three years from date of original employment with Cooperative Extension Service.
Portia Johnson is an Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist with a joint appointment in the Alabama Cooperative Extension System and the Department of Consumer and Design Sciences, College of Human Sciences at Auburn University. She earned a Ph.D. in Financial Planning, Housing, and Consumer Economics from The University of Georgia. She also earned a bachelor’s from The University of Georgia and a master’s in business administration from Arizona State University. Portia’s academic and research agenda includes household financial literacy and education, post-secondary and career preparedness, and sustainable homeownership. Particularly, Portia seeks to explore household financial resource management, housing finance, sustainability policies, and higher education access and affordability. Portia aims to be a tenured professor whose work proves applicable and positively impactful for personal, family & community development and legislative policy. Winner Application Files
Program Excellence Through Research AWARD
1st Place National Winner -  Matthew Brosi & Team from Oklahoma "Innovations in Divorce Education Classes for Extension Educators and Other Social Service Providers" This study reports on how parents attending divorce education classes vary in important ways, who may benefit most from classes, and Hope as a new intervention target to improve classes. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Naomi Bechtold & Team from Indiana "Financial Literacy Needs & Access Barriers of Indiana Latinx Community Members" Financial Literacy Needs & Access Barriers of Indiana Latinx Community Members is Purdue Extension's initial approach to addressing the issue of lack of financial well-being among Spanish speaking Indiana residents.
3rd Place National Winner -  Patricia Carroll & Team from Wisconsin "From Conceptualization To Dissemination: A Statewide Needs Assessment On Fathering" Although fathers are welcome at parent education classes, few fathers attend Extension programming. To address this gap, Extension conducted a statewide needs assessment to identify the specific needs of fathers.
School Wellness AWARD
1st Place National Winner -  Rhonda Peters from North Carolina "Teen Cuisine - School Wellness Award" Teen Cuisine has helped improved school wellness by motivating students to make healthier nutrition and lifestyle decisions in rural North Carolina. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Shannon Cromwell & Team from Utah "Sanpete County Afterschool Wellness Program" Since 2021, over $1.4 million in funding has provided daily wellness activities for elementary-aged youth in Sanpete County, Utah's afterschool program resulting in improved emotion-regulation, increased physical-activity, and reduced food-insecurity.
3rd Place National Winner -  Shanda Doyle-Stephens from Oklahoma "Orange Power Produce Project" Mobile Farmer's Markets make fresh fruits and vegetables more accessible to students in rural Oklahoma schools.
1st Place National Winner -  Jessica Alfonso & Team from Florida "South Florida Haitian Creole Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program" The South Florida Haitian Creole Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (SFHC EFNEP) aims to provide evidence-based, culturally relevant nutrition education to low-income Haitian Creole-speaking adults in South Florida. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Jessica Hunley from Kentucky "Virtual Cooking Club with Eastern Kentucky University Upward Bound Students" Madison County FCS merges Cooking Program into an online format to assist rural high school students in gaining independence and kitchen skills as a result of restrictions from the pandemic.
3rd Place National Winner -  Stacy Clark & Team from Tennessee "Stay Strong, Stay Healthy" Stay Strong, Stay Healthy is a strength training program for older adults. Stacy Clark, Joy Powell, and Autumn Vespie worked together to provide this program at three senior centers.
Social Media Education AWARD
1st Place National Winner -  Candice Christian & Team from North Carolina "Safe Plates Food Safety Information Center" Safe Plates utilizes a social media intervention to accomplish the mission of improving food safety knowledge and practices of consumers by providing science-based information that is applicable to everyday situations. Winner Application Files
2nd Place National Winner -  Z. Tennille Short & Team from Tennessee "The UT Kitchen Divas: A Weekly Facebook Cooking Show" Cooking that is relaxed and entertaining is the formula used by the UT Kitchen Divas'- a team of four Agents who cook together on Facebook each week.
3rd Place National Winner -  Lori Korthals & Team from Iowa "The Science of Parenting: Temperament Education Podcast Seasons" The Science of Parenting is an innovative parenting education podcast and resource. They have continually transformed over the last decade to meet more parents' needs and become more accessible.
To receive the Distinguished Service Award an individual must have been a member of NEAFCS for 10 years or more and attended at least 2 Annual Sessions. The award recognizes Extension FCS Educators for leadership, outstanding programs, and personal & professional growth.

Sharon Allen Haynes - Sharon has always had a creative mind in program development and implementation. This award recognizes the scope of work she has developed and evaluated for the past 26 years for the Cooperative Extension Systems in Mississippi and Alabama.

JoAnn Vann - JoAnn is passionate about helping others live their best life by facilitating the adoption of research based best practices.
Joy West - Joy enjoys impacting the lives of the citizens in Jackson County, Arkansas by teaching all areas of Family and Consumer Science. The impacts are worth the work!

Maria Portelos-Rometo – Teaching has been an intrinsically rewarding career and one that has allowed Maria to grow and challenge herself both professionally and personally.
Karen Richel – Karen believes we all have life pauses that slow us down, stop us, redirect us. How we choose to respond defines every aspect of our lives. Her pause has changed lives.
Diana Stone - During her tenure, Diana has impacted over 21,700 community members through programs, partnerships, and grants with a focus on Financial Resource Management in Shelby, Hancock and Rush counties.

Elizabeth Brunscheen-Cartagena - Liz has provided outstanding Extension programs in Sedgwick County for 17 years. Liz truly cares about the community's needs and has gained the trust of a great diverse audience.
Rebecca Reid - Becky has been a member of the Kansas Affiliate of NEAFCS since 2012. She strives to help Kansas families and consumers with their health and wealth.

Angie York - Ten years of growth as a FCS Agent allowed versatile programming to open many new and different opportunities for the local aging population during a global pandemic and beyond.
Natalie Taul - Natalie has worked to provide quality early learning and leadership skill development opportunities to the families and people of Grayson County for 11 years.
North Carolina
Hayley Cowell - Over the past 12 years, Hayley has earned a degree, served three counties, and made many impacts. She continues to develop new skills to better lead and serve others.
Olivia Patchel – Olivia’s ability to bring creativity and technology to county-level programming has been recognized at the state and national levels. As an active member of NCEAFCS, she is continuously developing herself as a leader among her professionals.
North Dakota
Christina Masich - Christina has shown distinguished service throughout her tenure through innovative and effective programming, as well as a continued commitment to professional development and learning.
Robin Maille - Robin is an Associate Professor of Practice with Oregon State University Extension Family and Community Health. She serves Union and Baker counties offering programs that build community resiliency.
Heather Smith - Heather has dedicated her 22-year career to improving families’ lives throughout her county. She shows successful impact through nutrition, health and wellness programming and 4-H work.
Lamanda Weston - My dream and goal as a young undergrad was to work with Extension, as I saw from first-hand experience how those within the organization truly make a difference in people's lives. It is her joy and honor to be nominated for the DSA, as she hopes it showcases her dedication and passion for the work not only she accomplishes, but those around her as well.
Sarah Poole - Throughout her eighteen year Extension career, she has put together partnerships that have allowed for unique program opportunities that have benefitted the people of Crockett County in rural West Tennessee.
Jennifer Trufan - Helping others through education and building strong community partnerships are goals of Jennifer’s since serving as county extension agent for family and community health for the past 20 years.
Lynette Babcock - Serving as an Extension Agent for over 27 years, Lynette has had the pleasure to provide educational experiences for both youth and adults in a variety of program areas.
Cindy Nelson - Cindy works in rural Utah in FCS/4-H. Her area of expertise is health and wellness. She is a certified Tai Chi instructor, teaches Pickleball and specializes in 4-H leadership.
Glenn Sturm – Glenn has provided leadership within the association, both at the state and national level: currently serving as the NEAFCS Treasurer, recent past service as an NEAFCS Diversity Committee Chair, and has been the Virginia affiliate Treasurer for over a decade. In addition to being active within the associations, he has been a leader in financial education in his community and the state.
West Virginia
Dana Wright - Dana has been recognized as a leader among her colleagues as well as within her community. Her commitment to providing high quality educational programs and opportunities to West Virginians and beyond continues to make a noteworthy difference in the lives of the people she serves.
Carol Bralich - Carol is an Associate Professor with UW-Madison, Division of Extension. Carol’s outreach includes building financial capability with professionals and strengthening relationships within family serving organizations in the community.
continued excellence award
The Continued Excellence Award recognizes active involvement in professional improvement programs, promotion of professional development, and leadership. They must have been a member for at least 12 years, attended 3 or more Annual Sessions and received the NEAFCS Distinguished Service Award prior to the year in which they achieve Continued Excellence.
Lori Wheeler – Lori has served as a State Affiliate Officer and been a member of NEAFCS for 18 years.
Leigh Ann Bullington – Leigh Ann embraces lifelong learning and strives for the best both personally and professionally. There are always new ideas and methods to discover in the area of family and consumer sciences.
Annie Wallau - As an FCS Agent and member of NEAFCS for over 13 years Annie has demonstrated excellent leadership through her commitment to the professional development of herself and her peers.
Kathleen Tifft - Kathee provides leadership and support in family and consumer sciences programming in the north central Idaho region. Her work focuses on mental health programming, community engagement and healthy aging.
Chelsea Richmond - As an Extension professional, Chelsea provides nutrition, food safety, and health programs in the Frontier District. She believes professional development is important and learning is a lifelong process.
Cecelia Hostilo - As an Extension Family and Community Sciences agent for the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Cecelia values professional improvement, staying abreast of the latest information, and serving our profession.
Mindy McCulley - Excellence in all things is Mindy's aspirational goal. She stays abreast of the FCS discipline while finding ways to serve others. While seeking growth and development opportunities, she always strives for professional excellence.
Shannon Smith - Shannon is driven by community-based needs. She works diligently on educating and encouraging the citizens of Bracken County. Her programs are designed to improve the lives of local citizens.
New York
Linda Law - Linda has been an active member of NEAFCS since 2008. She has served as NYA President and Treasurer and has contributed some of her many talents to Annual Sessions.
Beth Stefura - Beth creates meaningful connections to her communities with educational FCS programs. Her program impacts include assisting first time homebuyers purchase a home and offering a monthly online diabetic support group.
Marie Economos – Maria, whose Specialization is Early Childhood, believes we should recognize the worth of each individual starting with our youngest learners working collaboratively to provide research-based programming across the lifespan.
Dea Rash - Dea has had a successful 31-year Extension Career. She works in the areas of Health & Hunger, Family Resilience & Jobs & Finances. She enjoys making a difference in the lives of others.
Lynda Latta - Serving Ellis County and OCES for 35 years, she looks forward to each day. Sharing her love of this career with new professionals and watching youth build skills needed to reach their goals and expectations.
Karen Franck - Dr. Karen Franck is a Program Evaluator for University of Tennessee Extension Department of Family and Consumer Sciences. She evaluates FCS programs throughout the state.
Stacey MacArthur - Dr. MacArthur oversees Volunteer development & Youth Health & Wellness including prevention & trauma. She is “favorite aunt” to 27 nieces & nephews and loves to travel and study religion.
Kimberly Edmonds - Kimberly has been an agent since 2001. She served as a mentor and held leadership positions at the district and state level. She values knowing her programming has improved lives.
Jackie Carattini - Jackie has been an active member of NEAFCS since 2003. She has dedicated over 20 years to UW-Madison Division of Extension helping to meet community needs.