2022 NEAFCS Board CandidatesNEAFCS 2022 Slate of National Office Candidates The NEAFCS National Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following slate of officers for your consideration. The committee worked hard to contact these candidates and provide the encouragement and information needed to secure their applications. We believe you will find them all highly qualified. Please remember that we have a no campaigning for office policy! The Eastern and Western Regional Director candidates will give their three-minute speeches and be elected by voting delegates during their respective Regional Awards & Business Meetings on Tuesday, September 13 from 11 AM - 1 PM. All other candidates will give their speeches during Opening Session on Monday, September 12 from 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM. They will be elected by voting delegates during the NEAFCS Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, September 14 from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET. If you are a voting delegate for your Affiliate, it is your responsibility to read through these position statements. Encourage others in your affiliate to do the same, and decide as an Affiliate which candidate you support for office. Candidate applications are available for review below. President-Elect - Rick Griffiths, NM
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? It has been an honor and a privilege to have been able to serve on the NEAFCS National Board as the Western Regional Director. Through this experience, I have had the opportunity to work with and be mentored by truly outstanding leaders. I would like to help carry on the tradition of NEAFCS leadership empowering members to address the many challenges our profession faces. As President, I would like to spotlight the many Member Benefits the Association offers from its professional development, leadership development, awards, research and publishing to opportunities to serve as reviewers and networking and collaborating with colleagues. Many of Association’s benefits are under-utilized, and I would like to encourage members both new and seasoned to take advantage of the full array of opportunities NEAFCS provides. Over the past two years, NEAFCS has faced unprecedented challenges, and accomplished extraordinary feats. The accomplishments our organization has achieved were due to our previous Leadership allowing the mission and vision of NEAFCS to guide them. As well as asking the question, what is in the best interest of the membership? As we move forward, NEAFCS will continue to face challenges as we establish a new normal. If elected president-elect, I will strive to follow in their example to empower NEAFCS members, focus on achieving our shared mission and vision, always keeping an open mind, and keep asking what is in the best interest of the membership? If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? If I were elected to this post my top priority would be to continue the work of empowering the NEAFCS membership, as it guides our association to meet the challenges of today and the uncertainty of tomorrow. NEAFCS is a member led organization, its strength comes from its members. As Association Leadership we need to recognize our current State Affiliate and Committee Leaders and work to develop new leaders to guide our association into the future. We must also remain open to new ideas and ways of doing things that help us achieve our mission. Secretary - Lisa Peterson, ILClick here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? For the last two years, I have been more intentional about increasing my involvement in NEAFCS through committee work. As part of the pilot workgroup that developed the Leadership Experience, I have thoroughly enjoyed embracing my creativity in developing a curriculum virtual binder, writing fact sheets about the national committees, and handling the marketing and promotion of the program. Serving as the secretary for NEAFCS is a fantastic opportunity for me to continue to grow as a leader while giving back to our national affiliate. I take pride in my attention to detail, dependability, and finding creative and innovative ways to communicate about our phenomenal and unique organization. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? The newsletter would be a top priority and ensure we are providing members with current and intriguing information about topics within the Family and Consumer Sciences field and highlighting the amazing work of all the state affiliates. Additionally, I would also like to evaluate the most effective ways members would like to receive information, and any suggestions they have for the newsletter. I am also intrigued by the ambassador program within NEAFCS and potentially partner with the mentoring and leadership committee to further advocate for NEAFCS. Vice President for Member Resources - Gina Lucas, MO
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? As the chair of the Mentoring & Leadership Committee, I received immeasurable support from our VP of Member Resources, Michelle Wright. The committee received all of the tools we needed to create the NEAFCS Leadership Experience. However, we were also allowed to do the work ourselves. We were given permission to be creative – to try new things. Michelle was always a friendly face, there to offer her guidance and encouragement. This allowed each member of our team to grow personally and professionally, as we developed a program to assist our peers in growing personally and professionally. I would love to now give back by offering this same guidance and support to each of the Member Resources committees. I would love to learn from each of my committees, what they hope to accomplish and what tools they may need. I would then communicate their achievements and express their needs to the NEAFCS board. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? NEAFCS membership delivers the opportunities an Extension professional needs to be successful in their career. Need to be published? We have the Journal of NEAFCS– and resources to help you learn how to write and judge scholarly articles. Need to be recognized? We have awards that represent every sector of the FCS Extension profession. Need support? We have virtual Connecting with Colleagues opportunities as well as national Annual Session events to facilitate multi-state relationships. Want to present nationally? As a member, you can present a webinar, a concurrent session, an ignite session or a poster session. Need leadership experience? There are opportunities from the committee level through board level to serve your profession and demonstrate your leadership abilities. The resources available for NEAFCS members goes on and on. And yet, we must work to attract new and retain existing members. Many join and never realize what is at their fingertips. My top priority as VP of Member Resources will be to broadcast how NEAFCS is a professional game-changer. As Extension, we understand communicating value by showing impact is foundational to our work. At NEAFCS, I will help us do the same – communicate our value to our members by showing real impact. Vice President for Professional Development - Marcia Parcell, IN
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I truly believe that it is important to be engaged in professional organizations and leadership roles. I know I will grow personally and professionally in this office. As a lifetime learner, I value professional development as a tremendous benefit of NEAFCS. I realize NEAFCS is working to provide professional development that enhances the skills and competencies of our members in new and creative ways to use technology and social media. I look forward to the opportunities to learn about cutting edge education that can better the lives of individuals throughout the United States through Extension programs. I look forward to sharing these professional development opportunities with all members of NEAFCS. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? My top priority will be to provide members with more professional development opportunities, enhancing their professional skills and competencies throughout the year. Another priority will be to provide professional development to encourage members to practice self-care regularly. My goal is to have successful professionals and healthy individuals through my leadership as the Vice President of Professional Development. Eastern Region Director - Jesse Ketterman, MD
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? As an Extension professional, it is my responsibility to give back. In this case it would be the professional organization which supports my work. I have been in several state affiliate leadership positions including president. At this point, my next step would be the Eastern Regional Director. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? My top priority would be to identify opportunities to collaborate within the region. Western Region Director - Dianne Christensen, NM
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I very much enjoyed my term as the President of the New Mexico State affiliate last year and I would like to serve the western state affiliates at the national level. I value using my relational, leadership, and organizational skills to serve others and move an organization forward in meeting their goals and objectives. Last year, under my leadership, it was fulfilling to see our annual goals realized. Officers and members were more connected relationally and professionally through communication and team building via regular zoom meetings. It was gratifying to see our affiliate submit strong NEAFCS awards and session/poster submissions. Our members served as award judges for the state and nationally. They were also active in national NEAFCS committees. Our membership had good attendance at the national conference, JCEP, and PILD. The position of the Western Regional Director is that of a liaison between the national Board and the state affiliate presidents. It would be a privilege to use my leadership skills to serve them in being effective and impactful in reaching their own state affiliate goals through strong and regular communication from the national Board. I would also value influencing more participation in national NEAFCS positions from members by providing information on the opportunities. I would be responsive to questions and concerns raised by the presidents and communicate the needs of the Board, as well. Having experience in planning and executing a number of large conferences, I would enjoy being part of the JCEP ELC planning committee. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? My top priority, if elected as Western Regional Director, would be strong and timely communication between the Board and the state affiliate presidents in the western region. I would make attendance at all Board meetings a priority and utilize my organizational abilities to communicate with the affiliates quickly and efficiently. I would also prioritize addressing any needs from the western affiliate presidents as well as from the Board.