2023 NEAFCS Annual Session #NEAFCS2023 September 11-14, 2023
Thank you to those who participated in the 2023 Annual Session in Providence, Rhode Island. We were very excited to see everyone and celebrate another successful year. We hope you were challenged by the dynamic keynote and capnote speakers, experienced innovative programming, and reconnected or made new connections with other NEAFCS professionals.
This conference was supported [in part] by the intramural research program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, AFRI Diet, Nutrition, & the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, accession 1031154, award 2023-68015-40709.
Photos of the 2023 Annual Session can be viewed by clicking on this link.
Click the following button to view the 2023 Program Book
Click the following button for CEU/PDU details from the 2023 Annual Session.
Annual Session First Timer Scholarship Recipient Reflections Read the reflections of those individuals who received a first timers scholarship to attend the 2023 Annual Session.
Thank you to our Sponsors!
American Heart Association

7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Website: www.heart.org/healthyforlife Contact: Heather Gavras, [email protected] Phone: 630-561-5545 Description: Through Healthy for Life®, the American Heart Association and Aramark introduced an innovative health impact model. The Healthy for Life Community Nutrition Program is designed to change relationships with food and nutrition by inspiring individuals and families to make healthy food choices part of their everyday lives. We are proud to be working together to help improve the health of all Americans.
American Income Life, Special Risk Division

PO Box 50158, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 Website: www.ailspecialrisk.com Contact: Erin Bain, Director, Special Risk Division, [email protected] Phone: (317) 436-1005 Description: The Special Risk Division of American Income Life provides blanket accident policies for youth serving organizations including, but not limited to: 4-H/Cooperative Extension, Summer Camps, TRIO and GEAR UP, Student and Youth Travel, and Colleges and Universities. Our motto is “Serving Those Who Serve Others”. We have specialized in this coverage since 1952.
Newell Brands (Ball Home Canning)
 6655 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd., Atlanta, GA 30328 Website: www.newellbrands.com/our-brands/ball Contact(s): Megan Murphy, [email protected] Phone: 404-782-5270 As a trusted mason jar brand for over 135 years, Ball home canning products inspire all to make, create, and share.
Penn State Extension
 338 Agricultural Administration Building, University Park, PA 16802 Website: https://extension.psu.edu/ Contact: Elise Gurgevich, [email protected] Phone: 814-863-1787 Description: Practical knowledge to work the land, develop skills, grow your business, serve your community, steward the environment, and raise healthy families.
Conference Bag Sponsor

Presidents Reception Sponsor

Lanyard Sponsor

Maryland Affiliate
2023 Exhibitor Listing
2024 Annual Session, Tucson, AZ Website: www.neafcs.org The Arizona affiliate will be raising funds for the 2024 Annual Meeting in Tucson! They have made packets of greeting cards filled with photographs taken by FCHS faculty and staff around the state – beautiful landscapes, cacti, sunsets – all that make Arizona so special. Assembled into various sets of five different photos, the cards are blank inside and can be used for any purpose. They also make a great gift! The cards are free with a minimum suggested donation of $10 to the Arizona Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) 1410 King St. 2nd Floor Alexandria, VA 22314 Website: www.aafcs.org Product/Service Description: Invest in yourself and the profession with the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. ACCESS quality professional development, BUILD state and national connections, CONNECT to future employers, MAXIMIZE leadership capabilities, NETWORK through online forums, READ professional journals, STAND UP for diversity, equity, and inclusion, VALIDATE competence! AAFCS also serves as the managing partner for the Alliance for Family & Consumer Sciences of which NEAFCS belongs as a partner. Stop by and learn more and explore the programs and services offered by AAFCS.
American Heart Association Champion Sponsor 7272 Greenville Avenue Dallas, TX 75231 Website: www.heart.org/healthyforlife Product/Service Description: Since 2015, Aramark and the American Heart Association have collaborated on Healthy for Life®, an innovative health impact model. Together, we designed a community engagement program aimed at inspiring people to make healthy food choices. The Healthy for Life resources equip individuals with the skills and confidence to prepare healthy food through hands-on experiences.
American Income Life Special Risk Division Advocate Sponsor PO Box 50158 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Website: www.ailspecialrisk.com Product/Service Description: The AIL Special Risk Division provides blanket group accident insurance policies for all Cooperative Extension groups and programs nationwide. We have specialized in working with Extension for over 60 years and pride ourselves on personal and professional service.
Edible Education 13566 Waterford Place Midlothian, Virginia 23113 Website: edibleedu.com
Federal Trade Commission 600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20580 Website: www.ftc.gov/scams The FTC gets millions of reports each year about scams and uses the information to build investigations and issue consumer alerts. The FTC also offers free resources on how to spot and avoid scams and bad business practices, possible ways to recover money lost to scammers, and where to report.
Food Safety Extension Network 4102 Beryl Rd, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27695 Product/Service Description: At the Food Safety Extension Network booth, we will provide valuable resources highlighting how FSEN can effectively support FCS agents nationwide. Our focus is on home food preservation, cottage foods and home-based businesses, and retail food safety. Additionally, we will be offering exciting giveaways to enhance your experience. Stop by and discover the benefits of being part of the FSEN!
Fresh Baby Conference Bag Sponsor 523 E. Mitchell St Petoskey, MI 49770 Website: freshbaby.com Product/Service Description: We are a strategic solutions provider supporting the National Hunger, Nutrition, and Health Strategy goal to end hunger and increase healthy eating and physical activity. We offer a line of products that are specifically designed for your participants to encourage nutritious food choices, breastfeeding, and physical activity.
Journal of Extension 116 Sigma Dr. Clemson, SC 29634 Website: www.joe.org Product/Service Description: The Journal of Extension is the flagship referred Journal for Extension professionals. As a diamond open-access publication, we publish and distribute original and applied research findings and share successful educational applications, scholarly opinions, and challenges on issues of critical importance to Extension professionals at no cost to authors or readers.
Money Habitudes, LLC 5830 Jamila River Dr. Venice, FL 34293 Website: www.moneyhabitudes.com Product/Service Description: Money Habitudes provides products designed to assist clients in grasping their financial behaviors and attitudes. Their range of offerings includes a tactile card deck, a digital online version, workbooks and practitioner training sessions.
NEAFCS Diversity, Journal, Endowment and Candidate Booth 325 John Knox Rd. L103 Tallahassee, FL 32303 Website: www.neafcs.org Product/Service Description: Stop by the NEAFCS booth to view 2023 National Office Candidates, meet with the Endowment Committee, view the NEAFCS Journal and more.
National Presto Industries, Inc. 3925 North Hastings Way Eau Claire, WI 54703 Website: www.gopresto.com Product/Service Description: National Presto has been a leader in the housewares industry since the first pressure canner was manufactured in 1905. Stop by our booth to check out our food preservation family of products including Presto Precise® Digital Pressure Canner, dehydrators, and vacuum sealers.
National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging / Iowa State Univ. Extension & Outreach 36 McKay Hall, 2302 Osborn Dr. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Ames, IA 50011 Website: www.extension.iastate.edu/humansciences https://acl.gov/senior.nutrition Product/Service Description: The National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging – also known as the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center serves to build the capacity of senior nutrition programs funded by the Older Americans Act (OAA) to provide high-quality, person-centered services, and to assist ACL and stakeholders with identifying issues and opportunities to enhance program sustainability and resiliency. OAA funded senior nutrition programs work to reduce food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition, enhance socialization; and promote health and well-being of older adults.
Newell Brands (Ball Home Canning) Advocate Sponsor 6655 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd Atlanta, GA 30328 Website: www.healthycanning.com Product/Service Description: As a trusted mason jar brand for over 135 years, Ball home canning products inspire all to make, create, and share.
North Carolina State Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences 4101 Beryl Rd. Suite 240M Raleigh, NC 27606 Website: www.cals.ncsu/agricultural-and-human-sciences Product/Service Description: In the Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences, we nurture strong and healthy families, communities and agriculture. We educate students in agriculture and human sciences, find solutions to problems and extend knowledge to create healthy communities for youth and families.
OneOp 570 Devall St. Suite 202 Auburn, AL 36849 Website: oneop.org Product/Service Description: OneOp collaborates with the Department of Defense and Cooperative Extension to provide free and open-access learning opportunities within a full spectrum of family service subject areas. Our longstanding DoD partnership allows us to meet the professional development needs of service providers with programming that reflects complex and dynamic priority areas.
Partnership for Food Safety Education 2345 Crystal Drive #800 Arlington, VA 22202 Website: www.fightbac.org Product/Service Description: The Partnership for Food Safety Education develops and promotes effective science-based education programming and materials to reduce foodborne illness risk for consumers.
Penn State Extension Advocate Sponsor 338 Ag Admin Building University Park, PA 16802 Website: www.extension.psu.edu Product/Service Description: Improve your health and well-being with Penn State Extension! Learn when, where, and how it suits you. Choose from in-person events and online courses, webinars, how-to videos, and printed and digital reference materials. Discover Extension’s science-based programming in topics related to nutrition, well-being, families, health, youth development, and food safety.
Real Colors 20815 N 25th Place, Suite A103 Phoenix, AZ 85050 Website: realcolors.org Product/Service Description: Real growth occurs when people understand themselves and the people around them. Real Colors provides the tools to develop stronger relationships and better communication, not just at work but in every situation, life has to offer.
SNAP-Ed Connection 1320 Braddock Pl Alexandria, VA 22314 Website: www.snaped.fns.usda.gov Product/Service Description: SNAP-Ed Connection is an online resource center for SNAP-Ed Administrators, State agencies, implementing agencies, educators, and others involved in the SNAP-Ed program. Through the SNAP-Ed Connection website, users can share best practices and successes, search an extensive library of SNAP-Ed resources and program materials, and receive training and professional development.
Southern Peanut Growers 1025 Sugar Pike Way Canton, GA 30115 Website: peanutbutterlovers.com Product/Service Description: Southern Peanut Growers believes in the power of the peanut to change the world. From sustainable farming practices to sustainable nutrition and early introduction to prevent peanut allergies, we have all your peanut needs.
Texas Tech University Family and Consumer Sciences Education 1301 Akron Ave. College of Human Sciences Lubbock Texas 79409 Website: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/hs/fcse/index.php Product/Service Description: Texas Tech offers a Masters and Ph.D. in Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Education at a Distance or On Campus. Become a leader in FCS Extension Education Research.
The OrganWise Guys 450 Satellite Blvd NE Ste M Suwanee, GA 30024 Website: www.organwiseguys.com Product/Service Description: The OrganWise Guys (OWG) is an evidence-based, standards-linked (in all 50 states + STEM, Head Start) nutrition and physical activity online curriculum that’s easy for teachers to use and FUN for kids to learn. The connection point is a cast of friendly characters: Hardy Heart, Sir Rebrum, Madame Muscle, etc.
USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture 805 Pennsylvania Ave Kansas City, MO 64105 Product/Service Description: The USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) provides leadership and funding for programs that advance food and agriculture-related sciences. NIFA invests in and supports initiatives that advance agriculture research, education, and extension to solve societal challenges. |