2024 NEAFCS Board Candidates

NEAFCS 2024 Slate of National Office Candidates
Julie Garden--Robinson, Immediate Past President & National Nominating Committee Chair 

The NEAFCS National Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following slate of officers for your consideration. The committee worked hard to contact these candidates and provide the encouragement and information needed to secure their applications. We believe you will find them all highly qualified. Please remember that we have a no campaigning for office policy! 

NEW THIS YEAR!  Candidates have pre-recorded their three-minute speech to allow members, Affiliates and delegates time to watch and consider each of these individuals for National Office.  These videos WILL NOT be shared onsite during Annual Session.  If you are a voting delegate for your Affiliate, it is your responsibility to read through these position statements and watch these videos prior to arriving in Tucson. Encourage others in your affiliate to do the same, and decide as an Affiliate which candidate you support for office. Candidate applications are available for review below. 

The Eastern and Western Regional Director candidates will elected by voting delegates during their respective Regional Awards & Business Meetings on Tuesday, September 17 from 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM.  All other candidates will be elected by voting delegates during the Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, September 18 from 2:15 PM - 4:15 PM.

President-Elect - Dianne Christensen, New Mexico 

Click here to view full application.

Click here to view candidate's three-minute speech video

Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? In life there are rare opportunities where one’s passion, experiences, and skills/gifting come together to form the perfect intersection of these three things. Running for the office of NEAFCS President Elect is such an intersection in my life. Having been a very active member of NEAFCS for eight years at the state and national levels, my passion for the vision and mission of the organization is strong. I have experienced the tremendous value it has given to me, professionally and personally. This has created passion to not only continue the strong NEAFCS legacy but also to lead the organization well into the coming years so that it remains relevant, viable, and valuable to its entire membership. I have served in multiple roles at the state affiliate level. At the national level, I served on the Member Resources First Timers/Life Members Events Committee as a member, and then as Chair. I also served on the Bylaws Committee, giving me rich experiences of committee service. I have thoroughly enjoyed serving in the Board position as Western Region Director. I have learned much about the larger organization, how it is governed, the various issues, and observed great examples of leadership. Finally, my leadership abilities, relational gifting, and strong administrative skills, developed over 20 years of leading nonprofits and volunteers, would serve me well in this role.

If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? This year we are developing a new strategic plan to guide NEAFCS for the next five years. My top priority would be to follow that plan as created by the Board members and to find ways to integrate it in meaningful ways throughout the organizational structure. As a member driven organization, my role would be to serve the membership facilitating and encouraging positive relevant engagement that adds to their experiences, professionally and personally. As an organization we are doing well in providing leadership opportunities and professional development to younger members while at the same time leveraging the wisdom and experience of seasoned members, leading us to a strong and viable future. Additionally, as President Elect my role would support the President and fulfill the duties of that office in preparation for assuming the presidency. These roles would be high priorities as well.

Secretary - Cindy Jenkins, Utah 

Click here to view full application.

Click here to view candidate's three-minute speech video

Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I want to be involved in the strategic plan to help NEAFCS reach a new and upcoming generation as well as respect those who are outgoing and leaving their legacy. My hope is that with the strategic plan we will help NEAFCS continue to be a strong and healthy organization, which benefits thousands of individuals for many years to come.

If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? If I were elected, I would have three top priorities:

  1. To better understand who receives the newsletter
  2. Find out the top priorities for need to know information for the majority of NEAFCS members
  3. Find the most effective ways to distribute said information

Secretary - Cindy Thompson, Iowa 

Click here to view full application

Click here to view candidate's three-minute speech video

Why would you like to be a candidate for this office?  The short answer to why I would like to be a candidate for national NEAFCS secretary is because it is what I do and what I love! The long answer is that I stumbled upon the role of secretary when serving on a local parochial school board, and over the last few decades have found it a role that utilizes my strengths and keeps me engaged. I have served as secretary in both volunteer and professional roles. As a matter of fact, one volunteer secretary role helped build the skills I needed for success in Extension.

For three years, I served as the secretary of the local high school athletic association. In addition to capturing important meeting notes, I spearheaded a weekly email to members that was so successful it became a marketing tool for membership. I also had opportunities in the role to work with community partners for the first time, building a tradition of businesses volunteering to work concession stands at home football games that continues 10 years later and has expanded to other sports. Attention to details, communicating with constituents, and thinking outside the box with partners are all important Extension skills.

Throughout my Extension career, I have leaned into the role of secretary in big and small ways. I was the Human Sciences Community Council secretary for the majority of my tenure on the committee, which served in an advisory capacity to the director of Human Sciences Extension and Outreach. I’ve also served as secretary on ad hoc committees, team meetings, and planning sessions.

This year, I’m serving on the NEAFCS 90th Anniversary Celebration Committee, and, as is my nature, volunteered to serve as secretary. I have found using my skills in typing, word-smithing, document management, and communication not only provides a valuable service to the teams and committees I’m on, but also helps me stay focused and engaged in the important work of Extension. As NEAFCS Central Region director, I had an opportunity to utilize some of these skills to support NEAFCS. The role of NEAFCS secretary would allow me to continue to support the organization I hold so dear in ways that maximize my skills, interests, and strengths.

If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term?  If elected to the role of NEAFCS secretary, my top priority would be to maintain and build upon the recent efforts of others to build up our organization. For example, our current secretary has worked diligently to gather feedback about our newsletter and infuse creativity into the publication. I want to build upon that work around how we use our newsletter, what makes is relevant, and explore opportunities to be more engaging with how we utilize full scale communication tools. The new Ambassador Committee, of which the secretary is chair, has built a lot of momentum in how we support members at Annual Conference. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is exploring ways to foster a more inclusive sense of belonging across members, and I see many opportunities for these two committees to join efforts. And soon we will have a new strategic plan based on the hard work of the current board and feedback from members. In addition to taking accurate notes of decisions unfolding from this new plan, as secretary and chair of the Bylaws Committee Chair, I want to lead thoughtful and thorough conversations with this committee on how the strategic plans impacts our bylaws.

Vice President for Member Resources - Troy Anderson, Maryland 

Click here to view full application.

Click here to view candidate's three-minute speech video

Why would you like to be a candidate for this office?  As a result-driven educator with a successful history in Family and Consumer Sciences, I am confident I can create an impact as your next Vice President for Member Resources.  I am a strong candidate for this office, having made significant contributions through my work with the Leadership Committee while serving on the Awards, Endowment, and Marketing subcommittees under Member Resources. I am passionate about recruiting, retaining, and recognizing our members at the state, regional, and national levels to encourage membership growth and maximize membership retention. Through my excellent communication skills, I have fostered working relationships based on trust and mutual respect, thus enhancing collective effectiveness among stakeholders. My expertise in program development and strategic initiatives in member relations has led to impactful organizational changes that I hope to transfer in this capacity. 

If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term?  If elected to this post, I would focus on continuing the work that our immediate Past Vice President, Michelle Wright started while adding my own creative twist to further enable our members for success. My goal would be to empower the NEAFCS membership committees as it guides our association in taking on new initiatives and serving our members gracefully and diplomatically. NEAFCS is a member-led organization, and our strength comes from our members. Therefore, I have a fixed overarching goal to achieve operational excellence and efficiency among state affiliates and our members. I believe this will strengthen not only the mandate but also invest in the movement of our NEAFCS family as the epitome of excellence. 

Vice President for Member Resources - Caroline Everidge, Indiana 

Click here to view full application

Click here to view candidate's three-minute speech video

Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I am deeply committed to fostering an environment where every member feels supported, valued, and empowered. I am passionate about finding innovative solutions to challenges faced by our members - whether it's leveraging new technologies to enhance accessibility or supporting he development of create approaches to address member needs. I thrive in collaborative environments and believe in the power of teamwork. I've worked closely with other leaders on several committees underneath the Member Resources umbrella and look forward to our continued efforts. 

If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? I believe that members are the essence of our organization and their growth and satisfaction should be at the forefront of our priorities. My top priority would be to enhance the overall member experience within NEAFCS. To accomplish this, I would work collaboratively with the Member Resources committees to asses member needs, develop tailored resources, promote accessibility and inclusivity, and foster a culture of engagement. I would emphasize the importance of continuous evaluation and improvement and make adjustments as needed to ensure we are consistently meeting the evolving needs of our members. 

Vice President for Member Resources - Lisa Peterson, Illinois 

Click here to view full application

Click here to view candidate's three-minute speech video

Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I have been blessed in my career to have served as the VP of Member Resources for four years within my Illinois Affiliate and served on the national mentoring and leadership committee for the last four years. With my experience at the state and national level, I see a chance to help members and the affiliate VPs of Member Resources better spread the work and utilize our organization's opportunities. I intent to provide my support and commitment to the life members, mentoring and leadership, diversity, and journal committees.  Whether it's reigniting your spark and passion for family and consumer sciences or making sure all members feel included and supported! This opportunity is a unique way to continue to give back to the organization and our people. 

If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? As the Vice President of Member Resources, my top priority would be ensuring our members know about the resources available to them. I will do my best to support all the phenomenal committees that make this organization outstanding! The mentoring and leadership committee has done a fantastic job helping our family and consumer sciences colleagues increase their leadership skills. I want to expand on creating connections among the new members and helping the membership gain knowledge of all the valuable and incredible opportunities our national organization offers! I would love to help create a quarterly onboarding program for new NEAFCS members that inspires multi-state collaborations, create an environment where members feel comfortable to ask questions about all things NEAFCS and Extension (there is no dumb questions in our positions), and truly understand why being involved in NEAFCS is beneficial on both a personal and professional level. 

Vice President for Professional Development - Susan Moore, Georgia 

Click here to view full application.

Click here to view candidate's three-minute speech video

Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I served as the President of our state association, GEAFCS, and I enjoyed the opportunity to lead our organization and mentor and assist our members. I would love the opportunity to do this at the national/regional level.

If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? My priority for my term would be to increase participation in webinars and encourage more members to submit applications to present.

Eastern Region Director - Jacqueline Amor-Zitzelberger, Pennsylvania 

Click here to view full application

Click here to view candidate's three-minute speech video

Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I am eager to be a candidate for the NEAFCS Eastern Region Director, inspired by my experience working with the past two Eastern Region Directors. Transitioning from the state to the regional level aligns with my passion for fostering collaboration and resource sharing among the Eastern states. This desire stems from recognizing the immense potential for joint initiatives and mutual support that a regional approach can bring. Serving at the regional level not only broadens my perspective but also allows me to address common challenges faced by multiple states, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the organization. My commitment to advocating for the unique needs and strengths of the Eastern states, combined with my experience and insights gained from working with past directors, positions me to make a meaningful impact. This opportunity represents more than just personal and professional growth; it signifies a dedication to advancing the profession and ensuring that the Eastern Region's voice is heard at the national level.

If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? As a candidate for the NEAFCS Eastern Region Director, my commitment to enhancing communication and collaboration across the region is central to my candidacy. If elected, my top priority is to establish a platform for regular meetings with affiliate presidents, fostering open dialogue about potential collaborations and addressing current challenges. Drawing inspiration from past discussions with Lisa McCoy, I plan to initiate a Eastern Region webinar event. This platform would serve as a dynamic space for states to share their programs, successes, and innovative approaches. By creating a structured and ongoing communication channel, my goal is to strengthen ties between states, ensuring that each affiliate has a voice and can benefit from the collective knowledge and experiences of the region. In addition, I aim to inspire my state associates to be more involved in NEAFCS, helping them recognize the organization's potential in advancing their careers and building valuable relationships with other states. This involvement could open doors for future collaborations and increase opportunities for inclusion in grants and projects. Through these initiatives, I hope to build a more connected and collaborative regional community that can effectively address the evolving needs and opportunities in our profession.

Eastern Region Director - Lisa Fishman, Maine 

Click here to view full application.

Click here to view candidate's three-minute speech video

Why would you like to be a candidate for this office?  After more than two decades of membership in NEAFCS, my involvement in this organization has afforded me the luxury of observing many styles of leadership and to reflect on what kind of leadership worked for me, as a member. At one point, all members need to ask themselves if they are ready to move from being an observer to doing the work at hand. I believe this is the time for me to give back to the organization, which has given me so much in the past twenty-three years.

If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? Without a doubt, one of my first acts as Eastern Regional Director would be to connect with the NE region affiliates. Regular communication keeps members “in the know” about what is going on at the National level, and regular communication keeps people engaged in the activities of our organization. If we are to foster a sense of involvement, and bring forth new leaders, we need to keep people connected, beginning at the local affiliate level. Throughout my term, by increased communication with local affiliates, I will work to encourage involvement in national committees and help foster a higher level of commitment to, and involvement in, national leadership.

Western Region Director - Sheila Gains, Colorado 

Click here to view full application.

Click here to view candidate's three-minute speech video

Why would you like to be a candidate for this office?  I would like use and refine my communication and leadership skills to connect membership in the Western Region with the many benefits, activities, and opportunities available to NEAFCS Members. I have a proven track record of building consensus, promoting teamwork, and using logic and critical thinking to solve problems. I hope to inspire and motivate others to serve the organization at a capacity that fits their current ability and aspirations.

If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? Assess and address the needs of state/territory affiliates. Provide regular communication to and from the NEAFCS Board to state affiliates. Connect state officers and members to NEAFCS resources and opportunities.