2023 NEAFCS Board CandidatesNEAFCS 2023 Slate of National Office Candidates The NEAFCS National Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following slate of officers for your consideration. The committee worked hard to contact these candidates and provide the encouragement and information needed to secure their applications. We believe you will find them all highly qualified. Please remember that we have a no campaigning for office policy! The Central and Southern Regional Director candidates will give their three-minute speeches and be elected by voting delegates during their respective Regional Awards & Business Meetings on Tuesday, September 12 from 11 AM - 1 PM. All other candidates will give their speeches during Opening Session on Monday, September 11 from 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM. They will be elected by voting delegates during the NEAFCS Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, September 13 from 2:15 PM - 4:15 PM ET. If you are a voting delegate for your Affiliate, it is your responsibility to read through these position statements. Encourage others in your affiliate to do the same, and decide as an Affiliate which candidate you support for office. Candidate applications are available for review below. President-Elect - Jennifer Bridge, KY
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? As a seasoned professional, I have reached a point in my career where the challenge of leading on the national level is the next logical step. I have been an active member of the association for 32 years and have served on several national committees as well as NEAFCS Vice President Public Affairs. I have been very active on the affiliate level, serving in multiple officer positions (including affiliate president) and as chair of both our endowment and FCS issues committee. As a servant leader, I value the experiences of working alongside members to bring forward new ideas and projects to strengthen our affiliate for future advancement and impact. I understand the important role associations must play in professional development and advancement. I am grateful to the many extension professionals who have influenced and mentored me throughout my career. Serving our membership will not only provide an opportunity to use the skills I have gained on a new level but will pay honor and tribute to those who have groomed me for this role. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? Having served on the board, I have gained valuable insight into the needs of our association. While we are strong in number, only a small percentage of our membership is actively engaged on the national level. This has been an ongoing concern for our association. My top priority, if elected, is to work with all affiliates to foster engagement, identifying barriers and creating opportunities for member participation. As a diverse organization with rich experiences, our professionals are in various career stages. Our university requirements and advancement structures vary from years of service to professorships and our personal enrichment goals reach across a wide range of interests. As our organization continues to evolve, we must adopt changes to engage our members and help them identify how being an active member will contribute to professional and personal growth. President-Elect - Cindy Thompson, IA
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? At the 2022 Annual Session in Raleigh, NC, one of our liaisons introduced the keynote, Jones Loflin, by sharing one of his favorite quotes; “Go as far as you can see; when you get there you’ll be able to see further” by Thomas Carlyle. This quote mirrors my NEAFCS journey. When first approached about NEAFCS as a new Extension educator, I didn’t understand the fuss my colleagues made about being a member. When I attended my first Annual Session, I saw the passion of others across the country, working hard to serve families and advocate for each other. I also saw leadership opportunities in my state to support these colleagues locally. After a few more years learning about the organization and attending a few more annual sessions, I was elected President in my state affiliate. The skills I have to be an engaging, effective, and efficient leader were confirmed, and as the quote goes, I was “able to see further” to a possible national position. At the time, Central Region Director seemed like the best fit for my skills and interests. After being elected to the regional director position, it took a few months to find my way through trial and error and learning from others. I now have a solid footing as a regional director and can “see even further”. I can see how my skills in leadership, communication, time management, relationships, organization, and my willingness to learn can continue to benefit NEAFCS and our members across the county. I’m willing to serve our colleagues as President-elect, and the roles that follow. I have the support of my family, friends, colleagues, mentors, and university officials to explore what I might “see” next, and I hope to inspire other NEAFCS members see farther, too. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? For an organization as diverse and broad as NEAFCS, picking just one goal seems exclusionary to all the possibilities. With that said, intentionality and setting priorities is important. If elected to the position of President-elect, over the course of my 3-year team on the President’s Council my goals would fall into the following categories:
Treasurer- Lance Hansen, ID
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I want to be a candidate for NEAFCS Treasurer to further my involvement with the national organization and continue building a network of colleagues nationwide. It is the right time in my career as an Extension Educator to take on more responsibility. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? If elected, my top priority would be to use my skills and experience to help the organization grow and continue the efforts of past treasurers. My goal would be to leave things better than when I found them. Vice President for Awards & Recognition - Donna Jung, OK
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I have been a member of NEAFCS for 21 years. During this time, I have served in numerous leadership roles with my state affiliate, including being the Oklahoma Vice President of Awards and Recognition and enjoyed highlighting the accomplishments of our members across the state. I have gained experience at the national level, over the past five years, judging different national award categories. This opportunity intrigued me to want to get more involved. Therefore, I have been on the National Awards and Recognition Awards Ceremony Sub-Committee for almost six years. Last year, I was the NEAFCS Awards Ceremony Sub-Committee Chair. This was also the first year we were able to have the Regional/National ceremonies in-person. It was an interesting time to serve in this role, after not having in-person award ceremonies due to COVID. This experience allowed more creativity and communication across the states with my committee members. I enjoyed working with my committee members and want to use my expertise as NEAFCS Vice President of Awards and Recognition. The office would allow me to gain more knowledge about NEAFCS and would expand my leadership experience. As the NEAFCS Vice President of Awards and Recognition, I would work closely with the three subcommittees (Awards Ceremony, Training and Sponsorship). I have experienced that behind-the-scenes activities and know without teamwork, there wouldn’t be awards ceremonies at the national meetings. I enjoy working with awards ceremony committee members across the nation preparing for the national meeting and celebrating the members’ accomplishments. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? I would like to encourage each state to promote and inspire members to apply for national awards. I realize that our members aren’t used to “tooting their own horn”. I plan to work with the three subcommittees (Awards Ceremony, Training and Sponsorship) to increase the number of award applications by state affiliate members. One of my first goals would be to work closely with these subcommittees to determine the barriers that keep members from applying for awards. After determining some of these, I would work with subcommittees to develop a plan to overcome them. Then in return, it is my hope that every state affiliate has more award applications submitted in the future. Vice President for Awards & Recognition - Melissa Rupp, OH
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? What was the last thing you celebrated? Taking a moment to acknowledge the completion of a project, the line through a to-do list item, or celebrating the impact of a truly great program can be cathartic and inspirational. When we celebrate our successes, we all win. We learn what effectiveness looks like, we learn about resources and implementation strategies, and mostly we learn about the grit and effort it takes to get there. I feel great joy when I watch someone realize a goal and celebrate their win with them. I believe the Awards and Recognition Committee has the ability to celebrate and elevate the Family and Consumer Science filed by recognizing excellence in all that we do. Setting the bar and raising it with dynamic people and programs. Working with great leaders across the three committees, I believe we can raise the bar of excellence and recognition for our members and affiliates. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? Engagement with affiliate leadership to encourage participation in committee work, award applications and sponsorship and support involvement. "If not you, then who? If not now, then when?" Let's motivate our peers to step up...for themselves or by encouraging someone...to apply for an award. If not now, then set a goal to apply for an award and work to achieve it! Vice President for Public Affairs - Christine Zellers, NJ
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I have extensive volunteer experience as a leader, coordinator of volunteers and worker bee. I have served NEAFCS as the Public Affairs Advocacy Committee Chair, Vice Chair and Apprentice and been involved in other professional volunteer posts outside of NEAFCS. I enjoy working most with NEAFCS as the atmosphere is comfortable and meets my personal needs to dedicate my time while supplying professional support. My willingness to commit time to something I enjoy makes me an ideal candidate for Vice President of Public Affairs. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? As the Advocacy Chairperson I recognize that members are interested in being involved but time is always a barrier to the good intentions of volunteering personally and professionally. My main goal would be to find ways to involve as many members as possible through creative inclusiveness to maximize the limited time they have available. Additionally, knowledge is power and I would work hard to provide members with as much information as possible to encourage more involvement. Central Region Director - Patricia (Pat) Brinkman, OH
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I am honored to be a member of NEAFCS. NEAFCS Annual Sessions have inspired me and provided me with so many ideas for programming and working in Extension. I cherish the friendships I have made with FCS Extension Professionals from across the United States. Having served on the national Board before I enjoyed helping make NEAFCS a better organization and would love to give back to NEAFCS again through serving on the Board. I would like to be Central Region Director. I was originally interested in running for the office of president. However, I heard there are two qualified candidates running for president, so I will not throw my hat into the ring. Thus, my recommendation letters are for the office of president, but I think if they feel I am qualified for president, I am qualified to run for Central Region Director. Having served on the national Board I feel I can help affiliate presidents understand what is expected of them and how they can best keep their members informed and knowledgeable on NEAFCS activities and opportunities. Having served as an affiliate president in the past myself, I will be able to anticipate questions and concerns so I will be ready to answer questions when they come up. I enjoy working with others and keeping myself and others informed. I look forward to developing many friendships and having communication with many members. I know this position also oversees and presides over the regional meeting at Annual Conference. Having been on the Annual Conference Planning Committee I have knowledge of how to set up and execute this meeting. I look forward to serving NEAFCS. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? My first goal if I am elected to Central Region Director is to send an email to all the affiliate presidents to let them know who I am and ask how they would prefer I communicate information to them. My email will include asking them if they have any questions they need answered. I would also ask them how they would like to receive monthly updates from me, written, Zoom meeting, or short email. I would then work to keep them informed. I know that our 2025 Annual Session is planned for Grand Rapids, Michigan. Having served on the national board when we planned this conference originally for 2021, I have some knowledge and connections with some people in Michigan which I can use to help affiliate presidents in assisting Michigan with making their/our conference a success for all. I know when the Annual Session was in Ohio many of our other Central Region states assisted us in many ways. Working together the Central Region states can provide an excellent experience for all NEAFCS members who come to the 2025 Annual Session. Central Region Director - Barb Wollan, IA
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? Serving as Central Region Director would be a new and exciting way or me to serve NEAFCS. Serving our association at the national level was not something I envisioned in the early and middle years of my career, but as opportunities and needs became more evident to me in the last 5-10 years, I discovered that I did have something to offer. I have also found that national service is extremely rewarding, providing new insights, a broader perspective, and opportunities to meet new challenges. Taking on the Regional Director role would promote new growth for me, something that's very welcome to a later-stage professional: it would challenge me to build new connections with colleagues nationally, especially within the central region, to learn more about Extension in central region states, and build new skills as I carry out a set of responsibilities that is new to me. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? As Central Region Director, I believe my primary responsibility would be to serve as a two-way connector to all the states in my region. I would work to become well-acquainted with affiliate leaders in each state, and to learn about their successes, goals and needs, so that I could appropriately represent them within the national board. Likewise, I would strive to communicate effectively with them about the opportunities available to them nationally and the needs of the national association. While I am a good writer, and tend to use email as my default method of communication, I would be intentional about use phone, zoom, and other modes of communication on a regular basis to ensure a solid connection with each affiliate. I would use that strong connection to support affiliates and their leaders in every way possible, encouraging them to recognize the value of their accomplishments and to build on those accomplishments for the future. A secondary but important responsibility would be to serve as an effective member of the national board, and I would take seriously the responsibility to make useful and positive contributions to all board discussions and decisions. Southern Region Director - Samantha Kennedy, FL
Click here to view full application. Why would you like to be a candidate for this office? I have been in Extension for 19 years. I joined NEAFCS in my first year (2004) and in that time, I have been active in both my state affiliate in a number of board and committee roles and in various national committees. I very much enjoy giving back to an association that has done so much to support me in my career as a Family and Consumer Sciences agent and love working with fellow FCS colleagues to help them grow as professionals. In my first term on the national board, I have learned a lot and found a lot of satisfaction in serving the association. Southern Region Director is a good fit for me at this time since I believe that office provides a terrific opportunity not only to learn more about the inner workings of the association and the board itself, serving as a training ground for future board service, but would also allow me to put my excellent organizational and communication skills to work in support of the association. I have a good understanding and working knowledge of how the national board operates and after serving in a Vice President role, I would like to help lead the largest region in NEAFCS as we move towards the future. If you were elected, what would be your top priority/goal for your term? If I were elected as Southern Region Director, my top priority would be to support regional association members by keeping them updated about the latest NEAFCS news, acting as a liaison between other national board members and Southern region members, and helping new and veteran members alike in the Southern region get the most out of their NEAFCS membership. I would also make it a priority to learn more about the business side of the association and work to support members and other board members in any way necessary. As part of the national board, it would also be my responsibility to represent the association and the FCS profession in a professional manner by setting an example of excellence and dedication for other members as well as people outside the association.